40. Restrain

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I lied back on my chair and retrieved my phone. Usually, I do that only to find out if Kiana has sent me any texts or not.

My eyebrows shoot up as surprise when I found no text from her in the past...three hours.

Normally, she would be demanding me to come home early or she would lure me in for a conversation. But not today.

Suddenly a notification appeared at the top. It was from Ishaan.

Dickhead : *selfie with Kiana and Ishaani in a night club* Better off without you, party boomer.

My fingers clenched around the phone and wildfire spread across my chest as I continued to look at Kiana.

So this is the reason she didn't text me. The next second I springed out of my chair and texted her.

Alishaan : Where are you?

No reply came in...ten minutes. Which I spent pacing the length of the room.

When her name popped up on my screen, I leaned against the wall.

Kiana : noyb.

My grip tightened on the phone and it took all my control not to throw it against the wall.

Alishaan : Where are you?

Kiana : I'm not gonna tell you and moreover you love your office anyway.

Alishaan : Address?

Kiana : Bhaad. Mein. Jaao.
(Go to hell)

I sent her a few more texts, but she doesn't even read them.

The little fucking-

Pacing around the room, I dialled the bodyguards I hired for her and asked them about her whereabouts.

They informed me that the three party animals were at The Venue Club and also mentioned me that Kiana had asked them to not stick with them.

It took me fifteen minutes I don't have to arrive at the club. I stepped out of my car and headed inside with rigid steps.

The loud music, shouts, and the fucking noise are similar to having a machine prowl inside my head.

I pushed through the wiggling, twisting bodies as they jumped and swayed and drank.

After some time of shoving people out of my way, I arrived at the top level of the club. I grabbed the railing and casted a glance at everyone jumping around downstairs.

The colorful lights dimmed my vision but in the midst of the chaos, my eyes were drawn to my girl.

My expression freezed when I saw the dress she was wearing. The piece of silver fabric hardly covered her ass. My eyes dropped to the black heels that completed her revealing outfit.

Carefree, she thrusted her hands in the air, and she began to jump up and down when a fresh beat pulsed through the club.

The emotions from earlier heightened in intensity as I practically jogged down the stairs and to where they were and when I arrived, it took all my restraint not to punch Ishaan.

Ishaani was the one who noticed me first, paused her manic jumping, and nudged Kiana.

The infuriating little minx was the only one who kept swaying and wiggling her hips.

I grabbed her by the nape and pulled her toward me in one swift go.

Her back crashed against my chest with a thud and the scent of raspberries filled my nostrils.

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