26. Betrayal

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"I want you to meet someone" Sambhav said caressing my face.

"W-who?" I stuttered through the tears.

"You can come" He laughed as backed away from me a little.

My eyes involuntarily moved towards the staircase and it widened as I saw the person standing there.

Aakarsh Roy.

He smirked looking at me and stalked towards towards me.

"Remember me?" He asked and Sambhav laughed behind him.

"Oh you don't have to act all sunshine" Sambhav taunted.

"Y-you k-know eachother ?" I asked but it came out as a whisper.

"Yes, sweetheart. Aakarsh is my bestfriend" Sambhav laughed.


"Remember, I asked you to dance with me in the party my family was hosting?" Aakarsh asked.

"Y-you were t-there?" I gulped looking at Sambhav as my body shivered.

"Of course he was. Our planning of kidnapping you that day got busted because of that Alishaan" Aakarsh said gritting his teeth.

"By the way, Sambhav, I got you engagement rings and I also got a dress for her" He smirked looking at me.

Engagement rings ?

A helplessness I haven't felt before shuddered through me.

"I am not marrying you" I gritted out fisting my hands.

In a second Sambhav's fist connected with my jaw, sending a sharp ache through the side of my face.

Before I've recovered from the blow, Aakarsh's fist connected with the exact same spot. Again.

My mouth filled with blood, the copper taste exploding over my tongue.

My vision went black, and even my migraine striked in. Fuck it.

My sight blurred as it came back, and then he grabbed hold of my aching jaw, his fingers digging painfully into my skin.

Sambhav forced my face up until our eyes met, and then he chuckled, "Let's go and get you dressed for our engagement."

"Let me go!" I screamed, pounding my left fist against Sambhav's back.

He carried me into a room and threw me down on the floor. Excruciating pain splintered through my right arm, numbing my shoulder.

With a menacing look, Sambhav stalked to me with a silk dress in his hands.

"Change into this" He ordered smirking at me.


"I won't" I spat at him as tears rolled down my cheeks like no tomorrow.

Smiling like fool he opened his belt and came towards me.


Getting a hold of both of my hands he secured it with his belt behind my back as he took out a knife from his pocket and cut my shirt down the front.

"Stop!" I screamed as panic clouded my mind.

"You had a chance to dress yourself," Sambhav sneered at me.

He unbuttoned my jeans, and when he pulled the zipper down, intense fear slammed into me.

My breathing sound ragged, and my heartbeat was erratic.

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