4. Pester

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I was really frustrated after that fucking drinking incident, Kiana was not even glancing at me now.

She talked with everyone in the office except me and I fucking hated that. I do not even know what has gotten into her.

Arhaan and Akhil were in chamber high on alcohol while I took a puff of my cigarette.

Suddenly, the door of my chamber got shot open and there stood Kiana.

Goddamn, no.

I watched her not saying a word, and my heart started to beat faster.

"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt. I was just leaving. . ." She spoke starting to walk backward slowly, one step at a time.

Keeping her eyes on us. At with the last second, she turned. She ran.

Damn fucking shit.

I ran after her, Akhil and Arhaan right behind me, both of them shouting,

"What happened?"

Fuck, could they be any more obvious?

We didn't need to call attention to ourselves. Didn't need to startle her either. Too late for that.

She broken out into a full-on run, her dark hair streamed behind her and I picked up a speed.

I was going to confront her first. Fuck these guys.

I drew closer to Kiana, her steps slowing as her head turned left, then right.

I reached within the distance when she darted to her left, dodging me at the last second.

"Kiana!" I yelled her name at her, and she glanced over her shoulder, her frightened gaze meeting mine.

Looking back at me was where she made her mistake. It slowed her steps, threw her off when she realized how close I am.

Her hesitation gave me the advantage, and I grabbed hold of her, sliding my arms around her waist from behind and yanking her off her feet.

She howled, her curled fists coming back and nearly smacking me in the thigh.

"Put me down!"

"Sshh," I whispered in her ear, tightening my hold on her as she thrashed her legs.

She's so damn angry, I can feel the vibration just beneath her skin.

"Calm the fuck down."

"Let me go!"

She pushed against my hold and I shifted my right arm upwards, re-adjusting my grip.

Her tits pressed against my forearm, lush and full and she immediately stomped her foot on top of mine, making me curse.

Of course she chose today to wear those damn pointed heels. Those things should be labeled as weapons.

I loosened my grip and slipped my hand towards the seam of her breasts. She went completely still, her breathing ragged, her chest rising and falling.

I won't let go of her. It's like I can't.

"Let go of me, pl-please." Her voice trembled. Her entire body was shaking.


I glanced over my shoulder to find Arhaan approaching, his brows creased in question.

I shook my head once, glaring at him, and he took the hint and headed back where Akhil stood.

"Let me go. Please." She pleaded, her voice full of agony. I saw it written all over her pretty face as it nearly crumpled with pain.

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