10. Desert

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There was an important buisness meeting scheduled today but I was already late because of the traffic.

Reaching the office, I walked directly into my chamber and went through the some files which were needed to be checked again.

The meeting was in thirty minutes from now, sighing a little I opened my phone and tried calling Kia but she did not pick up my call. Interesting.

I am damn sure that she must be sleeping till now because we returned pretty late from party yesterday night after the stunt she pulled there.

The woman she is.

Laughing to myself I kept my phone on desk and opened my laptop but there was a knock on my door so I mouthed a 'come in' to certain someone.

"Sir, Should I need to keep the files in conference room now?" Ronit asked and I nodded handing over the files to him.

"Where's everyone? Why is the entire floor empty today?" I asked raising my brows.

"Every employees and interns are present in the conference room itself, Sir" He answered making me sigh.

"Including Ms. Malhotra?" I asked and he nodded making me shock.

"Okay then ask her to meet me now in my chamber." I said and he nodded walking out of my room.

I was so engrossed with all the work at office that I did not even realise that Kia's internship was going to end in one week. Time flies.

I still remember the day she gave me peck on my cheek, I fucking went to the cloud nine that day.

And about the other day she fucking threw a whole glass of wine on the face of the daughter of my buisness partner.

She never really fails to amaze me with the little stunts she pulls.

Things are most probably improving between us these days and once her internship completes I am going to confront it to her.

A knock interrupted my thoughts, may be it was Kia so I mouthed a little come in but it was Ronit instead.

"Excuse me sir actually-" He stuttered making me frown.

"What's the matter?" I asked raising my brows and he gulped.

"Ms. Malhotra have fallen asleep in the conference room only," He said slowly and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked chuckling a little and he hummed making me laugh.

"Ask everyone to come out of the conference room now," I said getting a hold on my laugh.

"Sir, the meeting-"

"Do as I say."

"And also call Mr. Raichand and inform him about the dismissal of the meeting," I ordered and he nodded walking out of my room.

I walked out of my chamber and went to the conference room to find her sleeping as she kept her head on the desk.

I gently picked her up in my arms and walked out of the conference room moving towards my chamber.

I could hear many number of gasps and slow murmurs as I walked into my chamber and shut the door close behind us.

I placed her on the couch beside my desk and opened my blazer so that I can place it over her.

Pecking her forehead I sat on my seat and started working.

I did not even realise when three hours passed but my sleeping beauty was still completing her beauty sleep.

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