12. Her polaroids

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Kiana's internship have ended three weeks ago, she has stopped coming to office but sometimes she does visits me during lunch hours.

I was sitting inside the conference room with a blank face as the investors of our recent project.

My gaze fixed on the projector that showed the graphic representation of our ongoing project.

My jaw clenched and my knuckles formed into fists as one of the employees stuttered continuously.

Dammit. I am so frustrated.

*Phone vibrates*

A phone buzzing sound echoed in the hall as I closed my eyes stopping myself from snapping at anyone right now.

Opening my eyes I saw everyone had their gazes upon me. It was then I realised my phone was ringing.

Gritting my teeth I opened my phone to give a piece of mind to person who dared to call me right now.

My heart started to accelerate when I saw my phone flashing with five missed calls each from Maa and Tara Maa.

"We will discuss everything else later" I said sternly and walked out of the room.


The past week has been so fucking busy, I'm exhausted. Stepping off my Audi, a tired smile at the corner of my mouth as I walked towards home.

"You are home" Maa chirped and I let out a chuckle giving her a very quick hug.

"I am home" I said slowly and parted from the hug.

"Where's my hug?" A sudden voice startled me and looked behind Maa to find Tara Maa.

I quickly walked towards her and touched her feet as she held my shoulder pulling me into a hug.

"You really here?" I asked to make sure. I mean I am day dreaming a lot now a days about certain someone.

Certain someone : Kiana.

"Yeah, we are really here" Aahir Papa reassured me.

Tipping my steps towards the couch, I sat there as Maa, Papa, Tara Maa and Aahir Papa sat infront of me.

"Things at work?" Aahir Papa asked me.

"Everything's perfect" I sighed closing my eyes and ruffled my hairs.

"Kiana has been waiting for you" Tara Maa said and I instantly opened my eyes.

"Where is she?" I asked and Maa chuckled.

"She is upstairs, waiting for you in your room." Maa said and I widened my eyes listening to her. Hell no.

She can't see those. . .

I ran up the stairs as fast I could, reaching infront of my room I slowly opened the door. Fuck.

There she was observing the polaroid pictures beside my nightstand.

Slowly walking up to her, I stood behind her and wrapped my hands around her waist. She got stilled and looked at me behind her shoulders.

"When did you come?" She asked as slow as a whisper.

"Few minutes ago" I answered dipping my head in the crook of her neck.

"You were not supposed see all this now"

I murmured against her nape and she instantly turned around pulling me into a hug.

"How could I come to not know that you were always there for me from all those years?" She whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

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