5. Turbulence

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"Um.. we should go to that seaside club." I broke silence and he looked at me raising his brows.


He replied immediately and I looked at him with a scowl.

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" I whined.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded sheepishly.

Alishaan had stopped drinking at some point be which I wasn't sure was a good thing. He was completely sober.

And that wasn't good. Not when, every time he dipped his head to ask me if I was doing okay, my heart pumped faster.

Finding a space to dance, I closed my eyes and let the music take me, hoping it will carry me miles away.

I lost myself in the beat, a relaxing buzz bubbling through my veins.

Well, I was mostly occupied with the way the loud music was filling my ears and spreading all the way to my hips.

Hands gripped my hips, and I was tugged back against a solid chest.

His arm came around my waist, and his palm landed on my hip. In one swift motion, he had me secured against him.

Every inch of my skin that was flushed against him heated. Even through the thin fabric of my dress and his blazer.

His long and strong fingers squeezed my hip.

Turning my head to look up at his face, I didn't care that my lips had parted and that my eyes probably looked hazy and a little clouded.

Keeping our gazes locked over my shoulder, I allowed my back to relax into him.

And something danced in the brown of his eyes. I thought he was going to smile, but his mouth pressed in a serious line.

"You're drunk, Kiana. Let's get out of here." He rumbled, over the loud music.

"I don't wanna." I almost cried.

A part of me knew that was mostly the alcohol talking but he didn't answer. His lips remained sealed as I watched his throat work.

Wrapping a large hand around mine at the same time. Alishaan guided me through the place as if he were the one who had spent countless nights here.

Stopping, I turned around and went on my tiptoes, hopefully going somewhere near Alishaan's ear.

I didn't want it to end.

But it did.

My lips parted, but as I was ready to speak when I stumbled and the words came out as gibberish.

"Aai light eww." (ifykyk)

I was shoved further into his body, this time front to front.

My arms lifted of their own accord, my hands linking behind Alishaan's neck.

Everybody else around us was dancing to a beat that my hazy mind seemed to remember from something.

Without really knowing how, my hips started moving. Alishaan's hands shifted to my waist. And we were dancing.

The memory of us dancing when we were children crossed my mind.

How ironic it was that we'd found ourselves in the same situation after twenty years and now that we seemed like completely different people.

My fingers played with the short strands of hair on his nape as our hips swayed to the beat.

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