24. Calm

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Shooting upright, arms locked around me. My body was inundated with panic and fear, and I slapped at a solid chest as I struggled to get free.

"Kiana!" Alishaan's voice yanked me back to reality so fast that my body jerked.

Desperately, I gasped for air as the remnants of the
nightmare shuddered through me.

Another gasp, then I crumbled like a house of cards.

"Holyfuck," Alishaan snapped harshly. His arms tightened around me, and he engulfed me. "I've got you. You're safe."

Broken cries spilled from me, my tears falling between my cheek and his chest.

I whimpered, unable to carry the trauma bymyself, unable to open my mouth, my panic and fear became so intense it felt like I was being strangled

"Noooo!" I shouted closing my eyes. My breaths were nothing more than gasps.

"God, baby. I've got you," Alishaan's voice rumbled above my head again.

As I realize I slammed into Alishaan's chest, and I felt his arms around me, all the terror and trauma come rushing back.

"Are you oka-"

Instinctively, I tried to scramble away from him as a cry tore from mythroat.


His hold on me tightened as I frantically pushed against his chest, but notbeing able to break free, I resort to begging.

"P-please. I didn't s-see anything. P-please, Alishaan."

He killed Saanvi.

He killed Saanvi.

He killed Saanvi.

The devastating thought had me pushing and straining to escape his tight hold.

Keeping an arm locked around me, he used his other hand to grip hold of my chin.

"Open your eyes, Kiana. Look at me!"

As I grabbed hold of his wrist, my eyes popped open, and the second I saw his face, I started to sob uncontrollably.

Letting out a growl, he hugged me so tight it hurted in my body.

"God, I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't you would come to the basement. I'm here. You're safe. I've got you, baby."

Still feeling scared, his words started getting through to me, and I began tocry uncontrollably.

My body slumped in his hold as a sliver of relief drains all my strength from me.

"Alishaan," I sobbed, my shoulders shuddering from the terrible weight I had to carry.

"I-I didn't see anythi-ng"

"Oh god," He groaned as if he's in physical pain. I was pulled onto hislap, and he peppered my face with kisses.

"I am so fucking sorry you had to watch me killing Saanvi, I didn't know that you were present in there, baby."

Alishaan kept pressing kisses everywhere, his arms steel bands of safetyaround me.

The trauma from the past couple of days and last night had me sobbing against his chest.

"Bhai?" I heard Ishaan calling Alishaan.

"Get lemonade and make sure to add plenty amount of sugar in it!" Alishaan snapped.

Time warped around me as the traumatic events keep rattling through mymind.

Suddenly, a glass was pushed against my lips. "Drink, baby."

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