21. Miracle

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I let out a groan, the pain in my head making it feel like thehead was being torn from my body.

My lower back felt crushed. And breathing hurted like freaking hell.

Slowly I opened my eyes, and seeing Alishaan's facestaring down at me, had me trying to smile through all thepain.

"Hey, beautiful," He murmured softly.

I couldn't find the energy to move as I whispered, "Hi."

He brushed his fingers over my cheek, the expression inhis eyes something I have never seen before.

It was warm, wrapping me in a bubble of safety. It also made the tears rush to my eyes.

Leaning down, he pressed a tender kiss to my lips,then locked eyes with me again. His gaze glued to me as ifhe's scared I'll disappear.

I tried to smile, but instead, a sob fluttered over my lips as Iremembered what happened.

Meeting Saanvi. Her attacking me.

Alishaan carefully sat down on the right side of the bed andleaned over me, bracing a forearm next to me. He pushed ahand behind my head, and rained kisses down on my face.

"I have got you, my love,"

Iturned into an emotional mess, traumatized by what was doneto me.

Breathe. You survived it. Breathe.

Flashes of Saanvi slapping me, kicking me made myheart rate spike, the machine next to my bed beeped likecrazy.

"Shh." Alishaan locked eyes with me.

"Breathe, baby. You're safe. I won't let anyone touch you again."

Worry tightened hisfeatures, and he framed my face with his hands, his eyesburning into mine.

"I have got you. I am here."

I focused on getting my breathing under control as a waveof exhaustion washed over me.

"Alishaan," I whispered.

He gave me a comforting smile as he caressed the hairby my temple.

I stared up at the man I love. "I am living for you only."

His gaze danced over my face, then he pressed anothertender kiss to my mouth. He shaked his head and started tolook emotional.

"I would not have survived losing you. Thank you for living for me," He kissed me again, then said,

"You do not have to hide anymore. I will take care of everything. Just rest and get better."

Just then I heard the door open, and Alishaan kissed me again before herose to his feet.


The moment I saw Pappa, a sob sputtered from me.The intense pain throbbing in my body reflected in myfather's eyes as he leaned over me. He pressed a kiss to myforehead, then held still.

I tried to take a deep breath of his comforting scent.Pappa sat down on the side of the bed, picked up my lefthand, and holding it in both of his.

I have never seen my father this emotional before, and itonly made me cry harder.

He stood up again, then leaned closer and locked eyes withme. "Papa's here, princess."

"Hold me, please." I sputtered, trying to reach for him.

He carefully pushed his arms beneath my back, and gently lifted me to his chest.

The moment I got to buriee my face against his shoulder, I allowed myself to break down again.

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