01.21 Beach Day

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I woke up at 9:45. When I got out of bed, I cooked breakfast. I ate two fried eggs, two pieces of toast with oil and salt, an orange and a cup of black tea as I sunbathed in the balcony. I read A Clockwork Orange and had a cigar.

As I laid there feeling good I thought it was a great day to head to the beach, so I phone Julie and she soon joined me. I cooked lunch (pasta with tomato, tuna and boiled egg) and prepared snacks (anchovies in vinegar). I packed everything and took the underground to Benetton District.

Julie and I took the Doctor Lund tramway line to Carrousel District, by the sea. We walked to Pink Beach and ate there and talked and read. We also shared an apple.

Then we went to Eivor's flat. Mike was packing, about to go on a two-week vacation to Puerto Rico. Eivor, Julie and I brewed coffee in the kitchen and talked in the living room as we drank. Some people from the party showed up to pick up some things and re-told the events of last night. Apparently, after I left, they started making fire with an air freshener and eventually the police showed up.

I walked home in the night. I had dinner as I facetimed my mom. I had the rest of the anchovies and a meat soup with tapioca. Then I went to bed and read as I listened to classical music and smoked.

I am super tired, good night now.

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