07.08 Hauteville

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i am in hauteville with sonny. i don't have many things to say, i am high now, we've been smoking weed tonight.

yesterday, when we arrived in hauteville, sonny, tony and i went to their grandparents' house, which is empty during the summer. tony wanted to smoke a joint on his own, so we left him alone and went to another room to smoke a joint.

we smoked, talked and had fun. then we went to the couch to watch a YouTube video and we ended up falling asleep there. i had a pillow next to his lap, i fell asleep. later on i woke up because it was very hot, and he had his arm around him. i woke him up, telling him it was really hot, so we went to a different room, to sleep together on a double bed.

the next morning (today) we went back to his dad's place to shower and have breakfast.

we didnt do anything at all all day. we played games on his tv, napped together in his bed, we played knight vs dwarf game where we had to slap each other's cheek 3 times, we watched videos while my head was in his stomach, arm or shoulder. we went to get ice cream and for a walk. before dinner we played minecraft and afterwards we went to his bed to chill, then at 00 we went out for a walk and we smoked a joint at a park.

it was very funny and then we walked back home. eventually i went back to this room (tony's) and wrote this.

anyway i write this to say i don't know if he likes me or not but i can't keep on denying it: we have great chemistry. from the flirty jokes, to the hair and back massages, to our way of thinking, etc.

Anyway, that's  all i wanted to say.

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