05.31 Printing office

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I spent the 31st studying at the printing office with Sonny, mostly. I arrived there at 11 and I first went to have iced coffee and a croissant, and I joined Sonny outside, to finish my breakfast, which we ended up sharing. He had a cigarette and then we went inside the printing office to study.

I focused on my Lexicology project, which was due that night, so it took me almost all day to finish. He studied Narrative, we have our final exam on Tuesday. Some people joined, like Lin, Paulie, Albert, Michelle... but none of them stayed around for much. Everyone went out for lunch at 13 and Sonny and I stayed inside the printing house, we ate later, at 14:30 or so, and we talked about foods and that we both have a cold. We then smoked a cigarette in the interior patio across the printing office.

Everyone left and Mark joined after lunch, and he stayed with us all afternoon. I worked through all my Lexicology project and sent it in at around 19 or so. From that moment on the three of us just talked and relaxed after a long afternoon study session.

We left the campus at 20 approximately, Mark and I walked home because we are neighbours, we both live very close to Cedric's Square. Back home, I had plans to read, but I didn't do anything because I was so tired.

I cooked fish rings and chips and ate as I watched YouTube, then I went to bed and I fell asleep at 00 or so.

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