02.03 Beauville trip

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On Saturday we woke up late. I was at Nate's flat, sleeping in his couch, when he burst into the living room at 8am saying "go go go! We're leaving in minus 15 minutes!" I showered quickly, dressed up and soon we left his place. We crossed Sailors' Towers and walked over to the Riverside. We stopped by a bakery and bought coffee and croissants for Saint and Rachel, who were on his way from Korea Station.

We had breakfast in Saint's car as we drove through town, making it out to the highway, direction Beauville. The ride was a mess. Rachel doing her makeup, Nate nervous, Saint smoking out the window... none of us had slept much, about 3 hours.

We made it to Beauville at 10:40. Nate and I rushed out of the car because we had an architecture tour at 10:20, which we were late to. We found the group, joined them and walked around town as the tour guide commented on the architecture and urbanization of the city, as well as its history. When we were done, we met up with Saint and Rachel, walked through Beauville and found a bar in Dane Street where we sat for about 2 hours, drinking beer and eating a little bit. I had a cheese ball with jalapeno, a spicy bitterballen and 2 beers.

Saint was especially insufferable on this day, always complaining about everything. We had a bit of an argument later on the weekend which I will get to. After the bar, we took a stroll down the beach. Rachel, Saint and I took off our shoes and dipped our feet on the sea, which was quite cold.

After this, Saint wanted to eat a proper meal so we explored more around town and found an English bar with lots of tourists watching a rugby game and drinking. We ordered chicken burgers with fries and iced coffee. We stayed there for some time, just talking and passing time.

Eventually, we headed back to the car, at around 18pm. Saint took a nap and I rested in the shotgun seat. We left Beauville at 18:30 aprox.

We drove back to Sun Valley. I began feeling very ill, so I asked Saint to stop the car twice, but he didn't want to, so he didn't. This made me very mad at him, but I didn't say anything. We made it to Sun Valley and he dropped us off at Nate's flat.

We picked up our stuff and then we bought dinner and beer at a supermarket. We went back to the car and drove to Mapleton, the small town where Saint lives with Vinnie Suburbia. Vinnie was out of town so we went to their flat to eat dinner (Asian noodles and pizza), drink beer, smoke a joint and watch Matilda high.

Saint went to bed soon and I felt sleepy soon after, so I went into Vinnie's bed and got in bed with Saint. Rachel took Saint's bed and Nate took the couch.

I fell asleep soon.

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