03.08 Theatre with Sonny

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This morning I woke up and quickly got dressed and had breakfast (butter on toast and a banana). I left the house at 10:30 and walked to A-Lane underground station and rode to Benetton District.

The local street market was today so I walked around for 2 hours and did some shopping: 3 wool jumpers (one red, one dark green, one dark blue), a pair of low-cut grey jeans and 2 jackets (one denim, one grey).

I then walked to Blaise Irving avenue and took the bus. I walked home, tried the clothes on and after a while I had lunch (rice with onion, meat, egg and butter) and then I began getting ready for the afternoon. I showered, got dressed, did my makeup and left the house at 16:45.

The streets were crowded with people. Sonny and Martha, his girlfriend, arrived quite late, so I walked down Colony street to Plazza Bakery and had a doughnut and some water.

At 18, Martha, Sonny and I walked to Turing Marquis Avenue, where a second-hand book fair was taking place. We spent there about an hour, shopping books for Mark, whose birthday is tomorrow.

Martha I think got bored and she sat at a bench for at least 30 minutes while Sonny and I picked out the books for Mark, and I felt a little bad about that. We then took the underground to Angel's Gate and walked to Montgomery Theatre.

Sonny smoked a cigarette outside and Martha told me that her father is a pharmacist and that her mother doesn't work, as we talked about various topics.

Inside Montgomery Theatre, we went to its cafeteria, which was packed, and Martha ordered coffee.

We talked for some time at the bar and then Martha left because Sonny and I had theatre tickets and she didn't. At this point, I felt a little awkward. Sonny rarely brings Martha around, and I wonder why. I guess it is okay not doing everything with your partner, and having separate friend groups and everything, it's just that I've realized that she never parties with us, he never invites her to the theatre when we come... I also know Martha doesn't read and she doesn't listen to music, which feels slightly strange because music and literature are Sonny's biggest hobbies so I do wonder what the hell do they talk when they are alone.

Anyway, Martha left home and Sonny and I went into the theatre and watched a play.

It was short, 1 hour, but we loved it. Everything was marvellous. We both had read the play, and had watched it, but never live, so it was a very beautiful experience to watch theatre like that. We then walked to the underground and Sonny smoked a cigarette and we talked about the play and about going to the library tomorrow morning.

I took the underground and walked from A-Lane to Cedric's Square.

I procrastinated for a while and had noodles for dinner again, late at night.

Then I undid my makeup, washed my face and got in bed. I'm sleepy.... Good night.

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