06.28 Book shopping

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I just wanted to write that I'm writing from Boathouse, my hometown. I think I hadn't been here in two months. At 16 today I took a train from Korea station and mom picked me up in Elsenor and we drove down to Boathouse and here I am.

Mom today accidentally injured her hand so tomorrow I'll have to drive to Maple Bay with her to help her move out of the beach apartment, since we are moving into the Boathouse home for the summer.

In the car, as we were driving from Elsenor to Boathouse, mom gave me s gift: a pair of small silver earrings. I have them on now. She also said she would gift me with 5 books of my choosing for my summer reads, and she bought them for me tonight. I chose Dream Story by Schnitzel, Slaughterhouse 5 by Vonnegut, Crash by Ballard, Ways Of Seeing by Berger and A Cyborg Manifesto by Haraway. Now I'm excited for the summer!

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