03.09 Rainy library day

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Today was such a long day. My alarm went off and so I woke up at 10:45. I took my time to get out of bed, shower and have breakfast (butter on toast, black tea and a banana). When I went outside it was 12:45 and it was raining, so I had to walk back upstairs to bring an umbrella with me.

I walked to the library but by the time I arrived Sonny had left because it is his aunt's birthday today. The streets were very crowded because there was a local football match today and Stadium is right next to the Blaise Irving campus.

In the library, I went to the third floor and worked on my Lexicology project from 13 to 15:45.

I then went outside and walked to the supermarket across the street to buy some lunch. I ate some pieces of meat pie, an apple and chocolate bar. I ate outside the library and some pigeons approached me and I gave them some food and then they ran away.

I went back upstairs at 16:30 and realized I didn't have my earphones with me. I went through the whole library searching for them and eventually accepted I had lost them, which put me in a very bad mood for the rest of the afternoon. I worked on the Lexicology project then until 19 in the afternoon, when I was drained from so much work and decided to pack my stuff and walk to the bus stop.

The rain had stopped but it was dead cold outside. Sonny texted.

The rest of the afternoon/night I spent it feeling bad and finishing the project, which I did finish and sent in at around 23 in the night.

I had the moral dilemma about going or not to Mark's birthday. I did not want to miss it because Mark is my friend, but on the other hand, I have been feeling really down since the afternoon and didn't want to force myself to socialize. Also, I did not think it was a good idea to party today, since next week will be deadly academically speaking: Stace lecture, James Joyce lecture and English exam on Monday, and French Literature exam on Wednesday. And I also should study hard for English History of Ideas before Friday, since I don't want to study during the holidays, I only want to party during those days.

I don't think I have the time to do all those things in a week, and without headphones.

Anyway, Im eating noodle soup in the living room right now and there is a huge party going on downstairs, which will probably go on until -best case scenario- 4 in the morning.

This would be fine if I had headphones, but haha, I don't. I think I will stay awake and read the text on Stace for my Monday lecture, and tomorrow I'll go to the library around midday to study French Literature.

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