04.26 Chocolate cake

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Today was fun.

I woke up at 09. I had breakfast (porridge, a banana, digestive tea), showered and read The Fire Starters in the morning. I checked my uni mail and received my mark for the John Locke presentation of yesterday, a 10. At midday, I went to my French Literature class.

I stopped by the cafeteria, where I saw Aberforth, Sonny, Tony and Mark, talking and smoking. I took the elevator with Mark and Tony and we had some laughs until I got to my floor.

In class, we discussed and debated Modiano's La Ronde de Nuit, I did some interventions. I saw Andy, who I hadn't seen in a while.

Then I took the bus home. I had lunch (spaghetti with tomato, tuna, egg and cheese, an apple and black tea) and my Ipad delivery arrived home so I spent some time setting it up.

Saint texted saying he wanted to do something so he stopped by my flat and then we went to Black Dog, the wine bar we like. He had lunch and a glass of wine there, as he told me about his sex life.

We then took a walk around Galloway Gardens and met up with Julie halfway through the walk. We went back to mine and went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients for baking a cake and preparing some dinner. We stole expensive cheese and bought wine and many ingredients.

As we were messing around the supermarket ailes with the shopping cart, I ran into Rebecca, who I hadn't seen since last year, she's as pretty as always. We talked on our way to the register and then said good bye.

At 21, Sonny arrived and we began cooking and baking. Julie and I took care of dinner, Saint and Sonny baked the chocolate cake.

We set the table and ate (pumpkin, potato and onion cream with garlic bread with cheese, wine, and chocolate cake for dessert.

The dinner was chill and quite fun. We then began discussing a film to watch but felt too tired and in the end Julie and Saint left home, and Sonny and I spent some hours talking, playing some app games and in the end we played Harry Potter I because Sonny had never watched any HP films.

It was too late at night so we stopped the film halfway through and decided to go sleep at 03:30.

I'm in bed now, Sonny is sleeping on the couch in the living room. Tomorrow we plan on studying from home, since we're too lazy to go to the library.

Good night, I'm so tired.

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