05.30 Second year exams

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Hi, I am currently doing my final exams. It's been a time of a lot of stress. I don't remember everything I have been doing because it is mostly studying, taking exams and doing final projects. While I was on Lockshire Beach with my mom I had quite a rough time, one night I spent a couple of hours crying because I didn't think I had enough time to study for French and Lexicology.

I already took those exams now, I don't have my marks. French went pretty well but I'm scared about Lexicology. I know I did pass my final Lexicology test, but I'm afraid it won't be with a very good mark, so I am a little sad about that.

Today I took English 4. After the exam we went to the cafeteria to chat and then to Belize Café, where I had an orange juice and I shared half a toast with tomato with Sonny. I was wearing some dark blue tennis shorts and sunbathing and Lin said to be I had "such a doll's body", which made me awkward and also happy to hear. Then Sonny and I went to the printing office, where there is plenty of room for studying, since the library nowadays is always packed. Tony and Lin came at 13 and we went out to have lunch. I had forgotten my lunch pack at home, so Sonny offered to buy me a meal from the History cafeteria, in turn for a coffee some day.

We then had lunch at a bench with Hellen and Mark, and then Albert, Michelle and a bunch of people joined and there was this girl who is friends with some of the people in the group, who I'm sorry but she always dresses so poorly. She was wearing a strapless short tight hot red dress on a Thursday at the library like wtf. The other day she was wearing a strange top that showed some parts of her big boobs, which was so uncomfortable for me like why are you trying so hard to look hot. There are so many ways in which one can look very hot and attractive, but revealing your body so much for me just becomes very unappealing. And she is always wearing heavy amounts of make up, she makes me nervous, it's like she is trying too much.

The friend group went to have coffee at Belize Café but Sonny and I went back into the printing office to keep on studying. I worked on an assignment, the final Lexicology project, due tomorrow night. Tony was also with us for some time, then he left because Lin wasn't feeling well. After a while Sonny and I went out to an alleyway between the printing office and the Roman Jakobson library to have a smoke. We were suddenly comparing our height difference (he's only about 3 inches taller than me) when suddenly we heard Mark's voice going "No sex at university!" to us. We immediately walked away from each other and laughed about his comment. I swear there was no sexual undertone before Mark said that, we were just chilling and I was not feeling no kind of sexual tension, and I know that neither was he.

We went back in to study after Mark smoked. Lin walked in with Tony and said she was going to dismay, apparently she has very bad vertigo episodes sometimes. Tony went out with her to calm her down.

After a while we all went back home, except Mark, who stayed to study for some more.

I am in bed writing this, it is only 20 pm. I am going to work a lot on my Lexicology project now, and clean my room, because my friend Xavier is coming over tonight to drop off his bicycle, since he is moving into my bedroom once I move out of this flat this summer.

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