06.06 Iced tea

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hung out with sonny today at 9:30, we went to a street market to buy some clothes. we talked and walked. back home we worked on our learning agreement for erasmus, then we shared lunch.

we worked on the learning agreement for some more time, often taking breaks to smoke and listen to music.

at 16:30 we went to benetton district to get my metro card, then we went to a store where i had a pair pants to return, i got a coupon.

we went for coffee, i had red iced tea in chinatown. he invited. then we took the underground to Presto, a pub close to my place. i had three beers, sonny left soon. apparently there is some drama with albert i don't give a fuck about.

i noticed tony (sonny's brother) and i only pick on each other, constantly. as a joke of course, but yesterday i noticed perhaps it was an underlying way of flirting, because at the end of each sentence we can't help but smile at each other all the time. i noticed it because he was fairly drunk and at some point he made eye contact with me and he looked up and down at me and gave me a wink. i know it was intended as a joke, it was easy to tell, but i answered back by maintaining eye contact afterwards and i think we both felt some chemistry before we pulled out.

of course this changes nothing. tony and lin are dating and i have much respect for the two of them and their relationship. i just noticed the good chemistry and well, i guess i know now that we shouldn't play around with this stuff. it wasn't intentional, we were just joking and suddenly you can't help but feel there could be something there, i kind of liked that reassuring feeling. but yeah again, i would never make a move on tony, given that lin is his girlfriend and that sonny is his brother, which i feel would be strange somehow.

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