05.01 Lunch with Mark

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This morning I woke up at 11 thinking that I had class at 12, when I remembered that today, May 1st, is a bank holiday. That also meant that all the stores were closed, which was not a good thing since I had almost nothing to eat at home. So I called Mark, who lives close to mine, and asked him if he wanted to eat lunch out.

I showered and at 13 I went downstairs and Mark and I went to a bar in Cedric's Square, where we had big sandwiches. I had ice red tea and he had some coffee. We talked for two or three hours I don't even remember about what. Then I told him I had plans with Sonny to study at home and that he could join us.

I went back home at 15:30 and went straight to the sofa, where I organised my Goodreads account for a good while. Sonny and Mark came home at 19 or so. Mark studied while Sonny and I did an Excel for the subjects that we want to course next year in Istanbul. It took us a couple of hours to do this. Mark left at 21 and Sonny and I finished doing that, he left at 22.

I then worked on my Lexicology project until 23:30. When I grew hungry I ate a sandwich and tapioca soup. I watched a video about Greek and Roman mythology. Then I wrote this in bed. Tomorrow I have an appointment at 10:30 to get a new metro card, in Angel's Gate. Bye.

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