06.18 Maple Bay with Sonny Day 04

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This morning Sonny came to my bedroom at 11 to wake me up. He opened the window curtains and the sun came into the room. He then laid in bed next to me and we watched some stuff on his phone for an hour or so. We then left the bed and went to have breakfast on the balcony.

We felt tired so we went back to bed, where we finished some stuff for our Erasmus learning agreement, and then I read and he watched some YouTube videos until my mother came home from work.

We all had lunch in the balcony, carbonara pasta. Then I showered and Sonny and I had a coffee with cream. We began talking and talking for an hour or two, then at 17:30 we headed down to Lockshire Beach to sunbathe and read. I read for an hour and a half straight, he phoned his girlfriend for an hour or so. Then it became windy and I told him to go back home.

Back from the beach he took a shower and we took Lucky out for a walk. After the walk, at 19:30 or so we went to a pub across the street and we had 2 beers each and laughed and had a very long and funny conversation. A guy drove down with his car and clearly winked at me, so we began talking about flirting in general, he brought up the time on Sunday when another guy in a car screamed "beautiful!" out the window to me. He brought this up because we have this "diss" where I tell him he succeeds more with girls (I mean more girls flirt with him/show interest in him) than I do with boys, and he has a strong opinion on this where he disagrees with my allegation.

Suddenly he said to me "I'm not the one who gets told I have 'such a doll's body'", quoting Lin who once said that to me after an exam. I was surprised he remembered that but I also can understand it is not the type of compliment that goes by unnoticed.

We had some sexual jokes that I never know what exactly mean and he joked about getting into a physical fight with me with the pretext of "I know you're into that stuff". He also joked about setting his brother and I on a date, and recalled some of our anecdotes flirting as a joke, like the time he called me Sonny's pet ("he knows you're into that stuff too") and one I had forgotten about where he gave me a handshake and I complained that he had grabbed my hand too tightly and he said "I can do it tighter" and winked at me.

I'm just remembering that this morning in bed he said something to me and I did a joke about being "his favourite slut" and yeah you get the idea.

Anyway, we went back home and had dinner on the balcony with my mom, and had a very interesting conversation about wild cats with her. Then we brushed our teeth, we said good night, and each went separately to their room. I wrote this and now I will read until I fall asleep. Good night.

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