03.17 The Festival of Light

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On Sunday I woke at 15 or so. Super tired, I stayed in bed for some hours. I had breakfast or lunch at 17, probably. During the afternoon I cleaned the house and I took a walk around the city listening to the Rolling Stones. On Sunday, we were having a dinner party at my place. I bought dinner for everybody at a supermarket, then I had a cup of coffee at Landon's, a Chinese pub close to home.

The first one to arrive, at around 23:15, was Owen.

He rang the doorbell, I opened the door and he gave me a quick hug. We talked for about 20-30 minutes on the living room, alone, before everyone else arrived. It was a nice conversation, he told me about when he was in college, becoming a tattoo artist, his relationship with drugs. Then everyone arrived (Nine, Gina and Pamela).

We cooked dinner, talked, baked pizzas. We played board games at the living room and had fun.

No memorable thing happened, that I remember. It was chill. They left at 1:30-02, all at once.

I woke up at 14. I had a missed call from Julie so she texted.

I grabbed some wine and beer from the Sunday dinner. I showered and took the bus to Clinic Hospital. On my way, I phoned my dad and I talked to him, grandma and aunt Remy. Soon I was in Julie's flat, which was full of people, even Saint joined a little afterwards.

The vibes were super good. I mostly talked to Mac as we drank and ate food.

I lent him some sunscreen and I noticed he had left a little under his eye, so I grabbed his jaw lightly with my hand and removed the sunscreen with my thumb as he looked into my eyes. He said thank you.

Then we all went to the terrace, then into the street. We took the tram to Woodbridge, walked to Central Market avoiding the mass of people.

There was a huge party going on, I did some popper because someone offered me, but I felt so tired that I said bye. Before I left I asked Mac for his insta since I thought he was cute and he smiled and gave it to me. I doubt I make a move anyway lol.

It took me a million years to get home, since all the streets were filled with tourists, carnivals and fire spectacles. At home, I had a pizza and played Death at a Funeral but I fell asleep after 30 minutes. I woke up at 1am and phone people to see what everyone was up to. I phoned Nate, Rocci and Sonny.

In the end, I dressed up and went to where Sonny was. Quite a bad choice. Everyone from university was there but still the party was somehow awful. It also didn't help that I was tired and had no drugs to hype myself up. Erik was there, so we went around trying to get some MDMA but it was impossible.

A girl said she loved my voice and Aberforth introduced me to his new French girlfriend. Aberforth said I'm the smartest girl he's ever met, which made me smile.

In the end, Sonny and I said bye at the end and I noticed that as he did so, he pinched my waist playfully and I did the same in his neck.

At this point it was 3 am and had 1% battery. I was at La Rue, so I knew how to get home without checking my phone. Still, I went walking around the neighbourhood to see if I could find anyone I knew. And magically I stumbled upon Saint in the middle of La Rue District, who was busy talking to a pretty girl.

He told me that Nate and Emma were inside a pub right across the street. I went looking for them and I found them, they were happy to see me.

Soon after that, we went back into the street to throw fireworks at tourists and we laughed a lot, for about an hour. Saint joined us.

Nate wanted ketamine and Emma left home. I didn't want K and Saint wanted to sleep at mine so we left home, taking the underground to A-Lane and walking to Cedric's Square.

Saint showered and I gave him a long back massage. Then we went to sleep holding each other.

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