06.04 Winery

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This morning I woke up and after showering I went to the supermarket to buy groceries. When I was back I cooked lunch and then I went to the library. I had lunch with the friend group outside.

Then at 15:30 I had an English exam which went fine. I also got my final French mark 8.2 and Lexicology 8.5. I'm quite dissatisfied about them honestly.

I went to the printing office and I studied there, the group was there too. At around 18 or 19 Mark, Sonny and I went to Alexander's. They were going to watch an anime, I studied on the living room table and then I studied from the sofa while they watched their show.

At 21:30 I left to my place, changed clothes, rested, and at 22:30 I went to Black Dog, the winery close to my house, because Saint and his brother Said were there. Saint had texted previously on the day to ask if they could stay over for the night, I said sure.

When I got there, Julie and Giorgio were also there. I sat down, we all talked and had fun. I gave Saint the gift for him that Owen had given me, he seemed to quite like it. I had a glass of wine.

Across from our table, there was a table with French people. One of them was quite attractive, tall, worked out, blue eyes, full of tattoos, really good jaw etc. But of course I was too afraid to make a move despite his constant looking at me. Even Julie noticed, she said to me: "are you guys flirting??" and Saint said to me when we went out for a smoke "he's looking at you"

Anyway we left. I'm in bed now. Said and Saint went somewhere to check a pub out or something, they will call me whenever they are back. Said is sleeping on the couch and Saint with me in my bed. wish me luck good night

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