06.21 More Maple Bay with Sonny

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Here's the end of what we did in Maple Bay, written several days later.

On Wednesday, we had breakfast on the balcony, then we went back to bed to read. He finished reading King Lear and I finished The Fire Starters a little after him. Sometime before lunch, Sonny was laying in bed and his back was full of tattoos so I took a picture because he looked good and I was about to post it to my private story when he suggested I put a song on the picture. We had been ironically listening to this Big Time Rush x Snoop Dogg song called Boyfriend and he suggested I chose that one so I did, and I posted it. We joked about that for a little, since we know the friend group is really eager on shipping us, and we thought that would provoke many reactions. I felt like we were perhaps crossing a line there, but something about how casually we could joke about dating eased me somehow.

In the afternoon Sonny was out of cigarettes so we took a long walk around Lockshire Beach town in search for an off-license shop, without using Google Maps. On our way back, we found a little tower facing the sea and we sat on the stone surface and watched the waves in silence for some minutes. We then went to supermarkets to buy food for the following day, and for that night, since we wanted popcorn and chocolate to watch a film in bed. We also sat down to watch a sports game at the park while we smoked a cigarette.

I don't remember much from dinner. I remember that we went to bed and I played him Beetlejuice and he thought it was a hilarious film. Then he went to his bed to sleep and I fell asleep in mine.

On Thursday, we had plans to spend the day at Ælhed Island, so we woke up at 6 to shower. Sonny didn't eat anything but I had yogurt and banana for breakfast before jumping into my mom's car. In 30 minutes, she dropped us off at Saint Pauli's Dock, where we waited for an hour until the boat services for the island opened up. We bought two tickets and off we went to Ælhed.

First, we took a walk across the island, which took us about an hour, since it's such a small island. I took him to my favorite cliff in the island and we said hi to the seagulls and saw some baby seagulls. Then we headed into the town and walked around until we sat down at a pub for a beer. We talked about music and eventually a woman was very curious about Sonny's tattoos and she began doing a psychic reading on all of them, which made very little sense to us and they were connected to Jesus and Sonny's interior Christ and also his relation with me.

Anyway after that we went to find a place to swim in the water. The first beach we chose had too many rocks, but we saw a crab. The second one was better but again there were too many rocks. We stayed on that beach, sunbathing and having lunch. At a point I out sunscreen on his back and he also put sunscreen in my back and I thought it would be quite awkward and I admit there was some tension/shyness but it actually went pretty okay, I didn't feel that weird with his hand on my waist, even if it was for just a couple of seconds. After a nap it was too hot we got up and went to find a sand beach to swim in.

We went for a swim to some distant rocks and we played in the water, Sonyn accidentally cut his toe and he was very dramatic about it but he survived. After we began getting cold so we went out to the sun again and we got dressed and we went to find an ice cream place. Sonny invited me to ice cream and we spent a decent amount of time at the ice cream shop, just talking and commenting the music playing.

We then decided we were too tired and there was nothing else to do on the island, so we figured we could head back to the dock and catch a boat back to the mainland in Saint Pauli. My mom picked us up and in 30 minutes we were back to Lockshire Beach.

Sonny went to the shower and I went straight to my room and I fell asleep reading Mrs Dalloway because of how tired I was. Later on Sonny told me he had taken a shower too. I sent him a text at 21 or so asking him if he wanted to get kebab and watch a film. He came to my bedroom I told him my hair was very messy and so he spent a good while brushing my hair trying to get rid of some of the knots in it.

I took a shower, we grabbed Lucky and we headed to the kebab, at the other side of Lockshire Beach. It was game night so there were lots of people on the pubs that day. We headed back home with our kebab and back home we played Ed Wood by Tim Burton and ate the kebab, which was really good.

We didn't really like Ed Wood except for the Bela Lugosi parts, so we put YouTube instead and I don't remember what we watched but we fell asleep on the bed and I remember Sonny leaving the bedroom at 2:30 or so to go sleep at his own bed. Eventually I fell asleep as well.

On Friday, it was the day we were returning home. We woke up at around 11 or so. I think Sonny cooked eggs with ham while I showered and then we ate in the balcony. Then we were about to work on some stuff for our Erasmus but I suddenly became really sad so I left and went to my bedroom and I was there until my mom called me for lunch.

We ate rice in the balcony and Sonny kept on complaining about his feet wound as a joke, so I asked my mom in secret to buy a chocolate bar and when Sonny was outside his bedroom I went in and left the chocolate bar on top of the bed. When he found it I heard him go "Uaahhhh" and he came to my room and when he asked about the chocolate bar I replied "it was probably the dwarves".

We ate the chocolate in bed as we watched something, I don't remember what. Then we took a nap maybe. I do remember I have him a back massage and then he gave me a back massage and then he caressed my hair and brushed it as we fell asleep.

Mom awoke me screaming that we needed to pack so we packed our suitcases and at 18:20 we left Maple Beach and drove to Elsenor.

The ride there was quiet and when we got there the train had been delayed for an hour so we had to wait and wait and wait. When the train finally arrived we sat in front of each other, Sonny have me one of his airpods and we listened to music on the ride back.

Back on Korea Ststion in Sun Valley, we said good bye quickly because he was about to miss his bus home to Hauteville. I walked to Colony Street underground stop because the one in Korea Station and an hour delay.

At the gates of A-Lane, I waited for Paulie and Cedric to appear, since Paulie was staying at my flat for the night, since on Saturday we had a surprise for Ivar, who was back from Hungary after a year.

Paulie and I walked to my flat and I unpacked, cleaned my room and at last, I had dinner while we talked in the living room. She was writing some poems for Ivar as a gift on Saturday.

I went to sleep and slept.

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