04.01 Boathouse

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This morning I awoke at 9. It took me a while to leave the bed. I showered and had a banana before leaving my apartment at 9:50 to meet up with Coline to work on a group project that we are presenting after the Easter Break.

I ate some bread with tomato and an orange juice, and we planned everything we had to do for the week. We finished all the work at around 13:15.

I headed home and prepared lunch: ham sandwich with mayonnaise. I ate in the living room listening to music and then I finished packing. At 15:15, I left my flat with my luggage and took the bus to Korea Station.

I walked into the station and went inside the train, found a seat and waited for it to leave. For 2 hours, I read Dubliners and wrote on my computer.

Mum was waiting for me outside Elsenor station at 17:15.

We drove home and we talked and I told her about my week in Cairo's Cross  and she was happy that I had had so much fun. We drove to Boathouse and finally I was home.

Back home, I hugged my dog and had two pieces of chocolate cake that my mom had baked. Then I sat on the couch with my computer and kept on writing, which took me all afternoon, since I worked on a text all day.

I had a break for dinner, with my mom, and then I kept on writing and editing until 2am. I am in bed now, finished with my writing task.

This week is going to be a simple, intense study week. I am going to go to sleep right now, that way tomorrow I can wake up early and start the day right.

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