03.07 Studying

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This morning I woke up at 9:15. I left bed a little after and went straight to the shower. I packed my lunch, grabbed a banana, nuts and some biscuits for breakfast, and walked to the bus stop. I took the bus to the Roman Jakobson library and I saw Sonny and Lin outside, smoking a cigarette together.

"What's the hurry?" said Sonny to me as his eyes followed me walking up the stairs into the library.

"Lola is upstairs waiting, don't be late!" I told him as I walked in through the grand door. I heard a dissatisfaction groan coming from him.

Upstairs, on the 3rd floor, I found Lola, sitting at a table and studying for our weekly Philosophy quiz.

We talked for some minutes until Sonny and Alexandre arrived and we went into a study cabin to work on our presentation of Libertarianism for our Philosophy class due that day.

We went through the slides together twice and we were quite satisfied with the work we had put together. Lola left at 12:30 for a book club meeting on chemistry, she said, and the rest of us picked up our things and walked to the Linguistics' Cafeteria Garden.

We talked for some time and Aberforth joined us at some point.

A conversation started regarding the fact that Mark's birthday was this Saturday and Hellen -her ex, who is a friend of ours- wanted to bring Bryce to the party, who apparently is her new situationship. The four of us found this incredibly rude and disrespectful from her, and I myself became quite annoyed with the idea. The issue is that nobody wants to say anything to Hellen because they don't want to create drama with her, but clearly we all think that it would be really bitchy from her to do that to Mark, who is still obviously not over her, and who is celebrating his birthday. They also mentioned that apparently Mark had made out with Aberforth's flatmate last weekend at a party, and that he went to Aberforth's to "supposedly" have sex with her, but that instead he spent 2 hours talking about Hellen to Aberforth.

Anyway, we had lunch (I ate gnocchi with boiled egg and tomato sauce) and then we went to class. Lola, Sonny, Alexandre and I did our presentation and professor Niccola seemed quite happy with it. We then also took a quiz.

I had Lexicology afterwards but I decided to skip the class, just like everybody else. Everyone in our friend group went to Courthouse for beers, except for Lauryn, Mina and me, who went to the Medicine Library to study.

I worked on my Lexicology project from 17 to 20:30. We took a break at around 18 and I ate some chocolate biscuits.

The girls left before me, but I stayed until the library was closing. I then took a bus back home and I spent the following hours doing house chores: cleaning my room, doing laundry, washing the dishes, cooking dinner and tomorrow's lunch. I also did my skin care. I also received my results for today's quiz and presentation, on which I scored a 10 on both.

I am going to bed now because tomorrow I want to wake up at 7 and go to the library at 8. Good night.

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