01.23 Feeling unwell

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Saint woke me up today before he left for work. He said good bye but I went back to sleep and awoke again by 10 or so.

I had acute stomachache. At first, I thought it was morning hunger, so I went to the kitchen and prepared myself some breakfast: black beans, two mushrooms, a fried egg and two loafs of bread with oil and salt. I also had a greek yoghurt with chocolate chips in it. I ate but the pain didn't ease. I took a shower.

I read A Clockwork Orange on the couch until I finished the novel. I have many thought on it. I didn't love it as much as I initially thought I was going to. I hated the B ending, and how towards the 2nd part it resembled more and more conventional dystopian 20th century works, similar to Brave New World by Huxley. They are still novels which I love, but sort of from the distance, not at a personal, emotional level. I understand their purpose are to make readers have intellectual responses towards the text, but it still left me wishing the action had been differently carried out, towards the ending. I still very very much enjoyed its linguistic exploration of violence, and its takes on freedom, religion and the penitentiary system.

After that, I fell asleep on the couch, and by the time I woke it was 14:30, so I went to the fridge and I ate food I had prepared the day before: black beans, Brussel sprouts and onion with tomato + potato cream. I also ate a banana.

I  then bought two books on Amazon: Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin and A Room With a View by E.M. Forster. I then started watching Rosencraft & Guildernstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard. I was initially going to read it, but felt too tired to do so. I was liking it but disappointingly I fell asleep again, due to feeling unwell. I woke up at about 19 and decided I better go for a walk to clear my head.

I put on my headphones and walked through Blaise Irving Avenue. I stopped by the cashier to deposit €60 on my card. I sent €10 I owed to Nate, €5 to Lin for Elle's birthday gift, and I spent €20 on train tickets for travelling home for the weekend. I stopped by a supermarket and bought a chocolate muffin and a banana.

I walked to Courthouse, where my friends from university were, having drinks. They left soon after, Sonny gave me a kiss on the head and said bye. I stayed with Erik for 20 more minutes, talking for a bit.

Then I walked back home in the cold, and when I got home I cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes. Then I cooked dinner: two pieces of chicken with curry, thyme and lemon, and a vegetable soup with tapioca and Moroccan spices.

I then had a cigarette on the balcony, listening to music, and then went to bed. Here I am, finishing Rosencraft and Guildernstern Are Dead (the film) as I write this. I'll probably read the play on Thursday, since I'm really liking the script and themes, and I think it will be much more enjoyable to read in theatre form.

Tomorrow I'll study from home. I have my final Linguistics exam on Thursday and I can't go to the library since one of the books is arriving tomorrow some time through the day.

Good night once more.

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