06.17 Cairo City Rave + Maple Bay with Sonny

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I haven't written in 1 or 2 weeks. This is usually a good sign, it means I have been too busy with plans to mind writing.

It was Archer's birthday on the 9th. Mike, Julie, Van and his friends from Cairo City threw him a surprise rave party over the weekend and they invited me. It wasn't as remarkable as I expected it out to be, indeed I didn't have such a good time. A friend of Ray's gave me a pill which didn't affect me very well and I felt down all night, like a little depressed. A girl gave me an ADHD medication thing which I took too and Archer gave me another bit of his pill. I did okay throughout the night, I just felt quite down all the time, and my stomach hurt and I was very tired. Nothing too remarkable happened. At the beginning I was talking to Rocci and I think I noticed a pretty flirty vibe going on but eventually I lost sight of him and it was dead cold so I went to the car, took a nap, went back to the party, found some people singing songs in guitars and I remained there until daybreak and then I went to sleep in the car.

Next morning was ok, we had tea, Archer's dad showed up, we left at 12 or so, had coffee in a small town and drove back to Sun Valley. Julie apparently had sex with Viktor which was a drama with her Mike and Luke situation or something like that.

Saint was at home, I had given him my keys since he needed a place to crash for the weekend and there he picked up his stuff and I said goodbye to him before he went off to Mexico for a year. I told him "If you die I'll kill you" and he laughed and we shared a very comforting friendship hug.

After that, during the week, I studied for my Narrative exam quite hard. I read 2 books, went to the library, there was another diss with Albert which again I didn't give a fuck about... Aline crashed on my flat on Tuesday night I think. I called her on Tuesday and she joined us at the library, we then went to mine with Mark, cooked pizzas and watched a film. I noticed Mark clearly flirting with her but I've been a little annoyed with Mark lately so at some point I told him it was time to go home simply because I didn't feel like having him at home. I couldn't have cared less if they had slept together, I'd have even lent them my bed to fuck if I had been in a good mood, but I simply didn't feel like it that night. Mark has been ranting a lot about Albert lately which I thought was super biased and having very annoying jokes and yeah I just felt like ruining his night a little, sorry I know it wasn't a good action but it's the truth.

Aline crashed at mine, in the morning we prepared lunch and went to the library. It had been raining heavily for the past days, strange for week in early June, so we had to cross the avenue through the underground to avoid the stormy weather. At 16 or so we bought milk and a chocolate cake for snacks, since Sonny, Mark and Aberforth were at the printing office with us too.

I brought Sonny things he had lent me over the weekend, some shorts, a t-shirt, his school bag, I also brought him a lunchbox with noodles for the night since he was planning to do an all nighter at the library for his Portuguese final. Mark lately can't stop telling us "you guys will never beat the allegations", referring to the "joke" in the friend group that we are either secretly fucking or that we will end up together, and it's honestly getting annoying at this point. Especially that day where over lunch Sonny's brother Tony told him "can you tell your little pet to shut up?" referring to me. I'm not annoyed by the rudeness, Tony and I mess a lot with each other like that, it's just that the Sonny thing is way too assumed among the friend group at this point. Elle replied to a story of us the other day saying "married couple", you get the idea.

I am also remembering Tony calling me "cute" in an attempt to mess with me, which sort of gives away what I was talking about the other day about that underlying chemistry that I think we have. I tried to ignore that knowing that he has a girlfriend and that is much more important.

On Thursday, Tudy, my dad's friend texted if I wanted to have lunch with her and some colleagues at an expensive Italian restaurant. I said sure knowing that she was going to pay for it all. We talked about Istanbul and then I went to her place to see her new chihuahua and I tried all her expensive perfumes in the bathroom. I texted Julie if she was down for coffee and I left the house at around 17:30. In Benetton, I went to Julie's, had a cup of coffee with her and she told me about a date she went on with Viktor and how they had sex until 6am. I felt happy for her that things were working out on her love life.

Friday, Nate texted asking Sonny and I if we wanted to go Sputnik to party with him, to celebrate his college graduation. Initially it was free but then we had to pay 20 bucks, but Aline paid half "for my birthday", which is 3 months away. Before the party, Sonny and I went out for dinner to Chinatown with Laura, a classmate of ours who is like 65 years old but I swear she is the realest. We had lots of laughs over dinner and she even paid for it all, thank you Laura you are a true G.

Then Sonny, Aline, Nate and I went to Sputnik. I had some of the pill from Archer's rave, I took it and it was a terrible decision, it brought me really down. Not sad, it just took away my party mood completely. Aline stuck around with me almost all night and Sonny eventually too. I found a way of staying active between going inside and outside the venue all the time until 7:30 am. That night, Aline told me she thought of me as "a very special person", although we don't know each other much. I also think she is a quite special girl, and I enjoy the little I know of her very much, but I couldn't help but wonder if she had ever had a crush on me or if she meant it coming from a fully friendship-like place.

Sonny, Aline and I took the bus home, since Sputnik is outside the city limits. Aline got off before us and we got off near Boulevard Bridge. Sonny and I went back home and I slept on the bed and he took the sofa. We set an alarm for 12:45 because we had a train at 16:25 to go to Elsenor, where my mom would pick us up, since we had plans to spend the week at Maple Bay.

So in the morning I was dying with a headache. Sonny woke before me and cooked lunch while I showered. Then he showered while I finished packing and we left for Korea Station at 15.

We planned to sleep in the train but we can't shut the fuck up so we spend the entire hour and a half listening to albums while sharing airpods and talking about random stuff.

Mom picked us up, we went to Maple Bay and we had the rest of the pasta for lunch in the balcony, as the sun was setting. I think afterwards we walked Lucky down the beach.

On Sunday, yesterday, mom drove us to Seaphare's street market, which is in the middle of nowhere in the countryside. It was extremely hot, I swear I felt dizzy because of the heat. I accidentally stole 2 pants, I didn't mean to, there just wasn't anyone looking. Then we sat at a random street food place and had lots of cold water and cheap hamburguers. Mom picked us up at 15 or 16.

Sonny and I went to my room and we watched a terrible film in bed about a high school in the 80s with somebody fucking somebody else's mom. I eventually fell asleep and he did too, and we took a 2 hour nap? A long one for sure. When we woke up we spent at least an hour watching reels in bed, he was a little above me and I rested my head between his arm and his body, but not fully touching him. We then smoked in the window listening to Buffalo Springfield. We then thought about having dinner at the beach so we packed a lot of food and headed over to the beach. We watched the sunset as we drank lemon beer, next to a fisherman and we commented his fit and his fisherman moves. Sonny then suggested watching a beach horror movie at the beach and I ran home to bring a blanket, a big pillow, my Ipad and lots of popcorn. We climbed up the beach lifeguard chair and ended up watching the Sponge Bob film.

We then went back home and slept.

Today we woke and mom wasn't home. We had breakfast at the balcony, then went to the beach with Lucky to read. Sonny is reading King Lear but he isn't enjoying it very much. At 14:20 we dipped our toes in the sea as we shared a cigarette. Then we packed and went home to have lunch with my mom. We ate rice with chicken, and coffee with cream, nuts and banana for dessert. We then talked for hours.

At 18 or 19 I went into my room to read and he phoned his girlfriend. He said he would join me to read in bed but I think we needed some space from so much time together so I'm glad he didn't come in the end. I fell asleep for about 30 minutes and read another chapter when I woke up.

Then we went to the beach for a walk with Lucky and back home we had vegetable soup for dinner with my mom, and we had a lot of laughs, the three of us. Mom went to bed and Sonny and I remained in the balcony, reading for an hour and a half or so. We brushed our teeth at 1:30 and went to sleep without saying good night.

Now Im in bed and I have finished writing this at 2:41. I am remembering now on Sunday when I took the nap with Sonny I had a dream that he was hugging me from behind as we slept, and then later on that night I had another dream where Mick Jagger was actually Argentinian and secretly faking to be British.

Good night

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