03.06 Julie + tea

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This morning, I slept in and missed my French Literature class, which was not a very good start for my day. I left bed, showered and cooked lunch (mashed potatoes, fish and onion rings). I had some ginger tea afterwards as I organized my day and decided I'd spend it at the Medicine library doing schoolwork.

At 16:30 I took the bus. As I listened to Blur, I looked around and suddenly saw Mark standing some metres from me. I approached him and we talked on our way to campus. He was going to the Roman Jakobson Library to do a group project. We got off at the same stop and walked for a while until our paths diverted.

I went to the second floor of the Medicine Library and did a long Lexicology project which is taking me forever, since it is not only quite long, but it also requires a lot of rigour.

Julie texted asking what I was up to and I told her to stop by the library to chat for a while. She showed up at 19 with tea and chocolate biscuits and we talked in the student hall for about an hour. She told me about problems with Saint, as per usual, and about a guy she met at a party some weeks ago, and about a strange pigeon story. She also said Mike and Archer were coming to town for a week and that we could do something together, the lot of us.

We left the library and it was dark out. We walked to the bus stop and promised to go out for some Asian lunch in Chinatown, sometime next week. I stopped by the supermarket to buy some groceries and then, back home, I prepared tomorrow's lunch and tonight's dinner (tuna omelette and butter on toast).

After dining, I sat with my computer in the living room to keep on working on the Lexicology project. It is now 1am, and I'm going to bed, since I have lots of things to do tomorrow.

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