04.24 Beers

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This morning I woke up at 8. I showered, ate breakfast (kefir, banana, scrambled eggs) and dressed up, then headed to the faculty.

I studied in the faculty from 10 to 12, preparing for a debate on La Ronde de Nuit by Modiano. Then I had French literature class at 12 until 14. In class, Dennis told me that I looked cute, he usually tells me when I see him. The little compliment warmed my heart so much that I held his arm for some time during class.

I said hello to Paulie, Lin, Sonny, Aberforth and others who were at the cafeteria having lunch, but I didn't stay for long. I took the bus home and cooked lunch: spaghetti with tomato and tuna.

Then I was going to go to Colonel Street to buy an Ipad because my computer broke down 2 weeks ago, but I ended up ordering everything from home because I had some issues with my mother's credit card.

Anyway the whole thing took forever and stressed me out a lot. I finished at around 18, and luckily Saint texted asking if I wanted a beer and he offered to buy me a drink.

I took the underground at 19 and arrived at his location at 19:20. He was at a pub having a beer with Gale, in Toledo neighbourhood, above Benetton District.

We walked over to Benetton district, I called Julie, and Saint called Nate and we all reunited at Enemy's for a drink. Saint asked what plans did I have for the weekend and I said I couldn't hang out on Friday because I had a "baking a cake plan" with Sonny. Saint eyed me up and down and said to me "Baking a cake with Sonny, moving to Istanbul with him for a year..." I told him "Don't start", knowing where he was going. He said "I'm not starting anything, it is s reality and you know it". These are the kind of reminders I was talking about yesterday.

We had fun talking for some hours, then it became cold. Julie showed me drawings of her own on a notebook and then she gave me a green jumper that she did not want as a present. Saint talking about going to Mexico, I talked about leaving for Turkey and China... I can't believe my life is really going to look like that, I can't even describe how anxiously expectant I am to keep on living the next few years of my life.

We made plans for this weekend in Hauteville, the small town outside of Sun Valley where Saint lives with Vinnie Superbia. I'm quite excited about what's to come this week too!

I took the underground home and cooked dinner at 22:30: fried egg, sausage, beans, bread, cheese. Sonny texted "I'm going to the library on Sunday", I replied "Nerd" to mess with him, he replied back "Just educated, darling". Right okay. I said "Sure love" and that's the end of that conversation.

I'm in bed now. Im going to sleep. I didn't work out today like I said I would. Sorry, I'm too unstable. I need more mood stability, I need to create that mood stability for myself. So tomorrow, first thing I'm doing: breakfast, clean room, work out, shower, study English History of Ideas (I have a quiz and a presentation on John Locke tomorrow).

Good night.

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