02.15 Shopping

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Another day of procrastination. It is late at night and I don't feel like writing.

This morning I met up with Sonny at 9:30. We bought an orange at the fruit shop and shared it as we walked to the bus stop. We talked to two very funny blind men crossing the street and then to a woman on the bus stop. He told me some stuff about Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet and I told him about a personal theory about gay subtext in medieval fin'amor.

We went shopping to Carousel's street market. I bought two cool jackets (one leather orange, one corduroy green) and a red lamb's wool jumper.

We went back to university by bus and met Nate and Rachel at the Communications Faculty. We had lunch and then they left. Sonny and I organised how we want to begin reading the Bible, and at 15 we went yo class.

I was super tired, didn't talk all along. In Lexicology I was also very tired. At 19 I went to the cafeteria and Mark and I took the bus home.

Saint texted asking if I want to go to DNA with him tomorrow, I said sure. He also suggested drinking in his car with Vinnie Superbia before the party.

Wasted all afternoon. Had rice for dinner as I facetimed my mom, but I felt super tired and almost didn't talk at all.

In bed now. I think I might be sick. My throat is sore and my stomach hurts. I don't want to be sick for the party tomorrow, since Sonny, Mark, Tony, etc are also joining afterwards.

Gina also mentioned dinner at her place, or perhaps meet you later with Nine by the club's door. I don't know, I'll see.

Just remembered that last night as I was talking to Mark, he said to me there was some gossip going around the friend group regarding me. I asked him what was it about and he said everyone firmly beliefs I have a crush on Sonny. I don't know how I feel about this, all I know is that I don't like Sonny, so ok.

Mark said the gossip went to the point in which last weekend someone in our friend group said to Sonny "bro, you should leave your girlfriend and date Madi instead, what are you waiting for?", which i found an extremely
extremely violent thing to say in terms of the awkward position where that puts the two of us, and especially because it is gravely disrespectful to his girlfriend, to Sonny and even to me.

Good night, I've got school at midday.

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