01.29 Sun Valley University

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Saint texted in the morning. I'm lately very annoyed at him, for various reasons. Instead of talking it out with him, like I should, I went to Igor and he comforted me about the situation, but he advised me to take the courage to speak my mind about the situation with him.

I showered and left the house without having breakfast. I met Sonny at the Linguistics cafeteria of the Communications Faculty. Many people were there: Hellen, Mark, Elle, Michelle, Erik, Alexandre, Lin, Tony... so I greeted everyone, in reunion for the start of the 2nd semester of our 2nd year at SVU.

Sonny and I had English History of Ideas at 12. We went there and talked to the professor because we wanted to attend the afternoon classes, and he agreed to it, so we left early.

We had lunch downstairs. I had an omelette + tuna + mini tomatoes baguette sandwich for lunch, and an orange. We all sat in a big group and talked. Sonny and I sorted out our Erasmus options, and he might join me for Istanbul next year.

At 15 I had my first official class, English 04, it was a blast. I had a free hour and I read Dracula at the cafeteria, Alexandre invited me to coffee and a chocolate pastry. At 17 I had History of English Ideas, the teacher is young, Italian and crazy. At 19, English Contemporary Narrative, with the same professor I had last semester in 19th to 21th Century English Theatre.

In Narrative, I paired up with a couple of students to make some presentations and debates along the semester, and they seem really cool and smart people. Coline, who is Czech; Adriano, Italian from Palermo; and Alessandro, Italian from Liguria.

I went back home at 21, when classes were over. I had dinner late at night, steamed broccoli, mushrooms and mini tomatoes. I read a chapter of Dracula in bed until 01:30.

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