01.26 Lockshire Beach Day 2

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I woke up at 9:30. Mom had gone off to work and it was only Lucky and me in the apartment. I had breakfast: an orange, a loaf of bread with butter and some herbal tea.

After lunch, I grabbed a towel and walked to Lakeside Castle beach, which is 1 minute away from home. It wasn't very crowded, people were mostly doing sports or walking their dogs. I chose a spot where I laid my towel and sat down to meditate for an hour, to the sound of the sea waves and classical music.

After an hour, I went back upstairs and I ate some snacks. I had two small loads of bread with pâté, a banana and a yoghurt. Then, I changed into my swimsuit and I sunbathed in the balcony as I read Dracula.

Mom came home at around 13:30. She started preparing lunch and I kept on reading, then I set the table and we ate rice with chicken and pepper.

I went to bed to read and I also checked my email. I am #5 on the Erasmus list, and the final destiny meeting is next Friday. I also received news regarding my International Programme, where I also am #5, and the meeting is on February 9, tho results come out on the 7th.

I left the bed and mom had prepared a cake which we had with some tea, at around 18pm. We discussed my Europe and abroad choices and then we took Lucky out for a walk along the beach.

The sun set and it was dark and the fishermen were on shore, when, suddenly, I noticed a bright red light coming from the skies. It was the sun, among all the blackness of the night, which remained, like a stain of red blood, on the skies.

We stood there watching it in silence until Lucky wanted to go back. We walked back up the street and then we took the car to do some grocery shopping in the city.

We went to two supermarkets a bought coconut milk, wholemeal bread, ham, a pumpkin, wine, nuts, blue cheese, dark chocolate... On the way back, in the car, I got my final Theatre results: 9.75/10. Back home, I read and mom cooked. I also called Sonny and we talked on the phone for 20 minutes or so.

We ate in the living room: onion + pumpkin cream, bread with cheese and a glass of wine. We cleared the table and I went straight to bed.

In bed, I read for a long time. I'm really enjoying Dracula. I'm currently on page #70. I'm glad I brought this book with me, despite wanting to bring the other two which didn't arrive in time.

I fell asleep around 23:30 or so.

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