03.01 Fashion show, opera, techno party

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The day started out quite off. I felt sick in the morning so I didnt go to my 12pm French Lit class. I got out of bed a little late and I had lunch: meat, chickpeas and cous cous. I ate in the living room and then I started getting ready for the rest of the day.

I went to the shower and then I dressed  up and did my makeup. I think I looked quite good today! I then walked over to the optician's in Terence Salinger Campus to pick up my new pair of glasses.

I then took a bus and rode to the centre of town. I got off at Angel's Gate and waited there for Sonny, who arrived 10 minutes after me. We then walked over to the SDA, in the Latin Quarter, and met Rachel and Nate on the first floor. That day there was a fashion show with local designers, and we took our seats and watched and commented and those designs we liked the most.

After that, Sonny and I left on a rush. We took the bus to Queens' Hall Palace to watch Orpheus and Euridice, a short 90 minute opera. The ending had been arranged differently from the myth's ending, which personally was disturbing and Sonny and I didn't like it all. Post performance we discussed the narrative and design choices of the production.

We then said goodbye because we had different plans in different parts of town. I took another bus back to the Latin Quarter and I joined Nate and Emma. We walked around, went to Nate's flat to drop off some stuff, then bought dinner at a store, then took a bus to La Rue. There, we sat at a pub and drank beer. Then we went over to Matt90, a really cool techno house pub/vinyl shop which we like.

I stayed with them for about 2 hours and then I left early, at 01:30, since Nate wanted to stay for long and I wanted to sleep because tomorrow I have more plans in the morning.

I walked back home at night, it was windy. Home, I had dinner again because I was hungry and then I washed my face, brushed my teeth and eventually into bed, where I'm writing this from.

Good night. Sleep okay.

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