Chapter 1

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On the one side of Instanbul we have the Mahalle, and on the other the more Elite.   Let's start with Sanem , a young sweet 17 year old who was orphaned with her sister at a young age.   Unfortunately being orphaned, at the age of five left her and her sister who was seven at the time.  With her abusive stepfather.  

As the girls got older the stepfather decided to give Leyla away, because he couldn't afford two children , he kept Sanem because he had an interest in her, that no father should have.  The girls fought not to be separated but as fate would have it, they had no luck.   Leyla was given to a loving family for a small amount of lira, to feed the stepfathers alcoholism.

As the years went by he would beat her and tell her when you're eighteen, you will be mine or I will sell you to the highest bidder.

Sanem and her best friend Ahan would Sneak out when the stepfather was drunk for days, they would go to the elite side and look for clothes that were hanging outside , so they could steal and wear them.

One day they were walking by this beautiful home, and they heard some commotion in the back , they ran to the back, and they saw a feast out on the backyard, they were probably going to have a party. 

As the girls stood there and watched an elderly man come  out  (Aziz the father) with plates of food it seemed he was setting up for a party, following him were too young men they couldn't have been more than 23 and 21.

"Sanem do you see all that food".  "Yes Ahan, I am so hungry".  "As soon as they go inside let's run and grab what we can." "Excuse me Sanem what happens if we get caught, don't worry Ahan we will be quick."

The girls waited and watched, as soon as the men went inside, Sanem quickly ran to get what she could, as she turned around to look for Ahan a hand grabbed her.

"Hey what are you doing?"  Sanem turned around and saw a huge man who had grabbed her arm, " I'm sorry sir, " please let me go, please,"(she said with tears in her eyes.  ).
can held on to her arm looked into to her beautiful brown eyes and just stared at her,  when he saw the tears in her eyes, he softened, 

Sanem was scared when he  grabbed her and turned her around.  She looked in his beautiful eyes, and saw compassion.  Was she dreaming or was this gorgeous man actually being nice to her

Can came back to his senses.  " I'm sorry I didn't mean to grab you like that ". Can was so memorized by her, she held a certain softness to her, something sweet and innocent.   " are you hungry, please have your friend come and I will give you food, don't be scared it's ok.  ".

Watching all this from the inside was Aziz and his younger son Emre". They looked at each other and said, I can't believe those poor girls, I feel for them, look at the way there dressed. There probably hungry and poor, let's go out and help Can pack up some food for them "
Aziz:  "hello young ladies, please sit and I will pack up some food for you both, we have plenty"
Sanem: "thank you sir, but just alittle for now, because we are so hungry." If I take more food home my stepfather will beat me." The three men just stared at Sanem. She couldn't be more that 17 - 18 years old, There heart sank when she talked about her stepfather.

Can:  may I ask were you are from,I'm Can by the way and this my father Aziz and my younger brother Emre"

Sanem: "we are from the Mahalle, I am so sorry we disturbed you it seems that you were getting ready for a party, we will leave.  We have to get back before he sees me missing."

Aziz:  "how old are you Sanem."
Sanem:  "I'm 17 I will be 18 in a couple of weeks."
Ahan: "Sanem, we need to get back.  He will wake soon and he's not going to be happy if you not there.
Sanem:  "ok.  Thank you again!!"

Can; "Sanem, Ahan.  Please come again we always have food and parties outside.,   Sanem do you have a phone, I will give you my number and you can call me if you need anything, Aziz and Emre also volunteered there numbers.
Sanem:  "no im sorry I don't have, he doesn't believe in them."

The men just looked at each other.  Can  offered to take them home, but they wouldn't allow it because the Mahalle was full of gossip and they didn't want to take the chance of her stepfather finding out.

Sanem and Ahan:  "thank you again for your kindness sirs. "
Divit Men:  we always have food every Friday. We will be here !!!"

The girls ran as fast as they could they made back in time. Safe.

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