Chapter 48

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Sanem, had a restless night, she just wanted to go home. Plus she's so hungry, hopefully Can will get here soon with breakfast.
NURSE:  Good morning Sanem, how are you feeling today, 
SANEM:  I'm ok , I have some pain but otherwise I'm good, when can I leave.
NURSE:  the doctor will be in soon, and as soon as he gives the ok you can go home.
SANEM:  "thank you, I can't wait!"the nurse smiled and said I don't blame you. 
The doctor came in to talk to Sanem.   "Good morning Sanem, how are you feeling ?
SANEM: I feel ok, I just want to go . I really don't like hospitals. 
DOCTOR:  "soon dear, your test all came back good , your in good health.  But I don't know if you are aware, that you are pregnant"
Sanem just stared at him, in shock.
SANEM: "are you sure doctors? Maybe there was a mistake with the blood work."
DOCTOR:  "no dear it's accurate, I recommend you follow up with a gynecologist, if you don't have one, I can recommend one for you."
SANEM : "thank you doctor, I will."
Sanem is shocked, how am I going to tell him, we're not even married.  He wanted to wait, I don't think he is going to be happy.  Let things settle down first with everything.  And then I will tell him. I can't believe it, I'm going to be a mother. Sanem started crying, and at same time Can came in saw her crying.
CAN: Sanem is everything ok? Why are you crying?
SANEM:  everything is hitting me now , and I have some pain, but I'll be okay. I missed you.
CAN:  I missed you too, I brought your clothes.  Did the doctor come in? Did he release you.
SANEM: "yes everything is fine, he just told me to take it easy and relax. I can leave when I'm ready."
CAN :  "that's great! I love you bebek!
SANEM:  "I love you too!!"   She hugs him so tight, she doesn't want to let go.
CAN: "are you sure you're OK?"  SANEM:  yeah, just alittle emotional.. 
CAN:  "why don't you change your clothes, and we will go where ever you want."
SANEM: "Can, can we go to my old neighborhood ? I want to go back to my old home , I just want to see it and get some stuff that I need.  if that's OK with you."
CAN: "sure my love, do you want me to tell Leyla to come to?"
SANEM: "yes, I want her to go through the house with me."
They met Emre and Leyla at the house.  The girls were nervous to go inside, but it's something they wanted to do for awhile.
They walked in and looked around, they had so many memories,  a lot of bad ones, but they had good ones too before their mother passed away.  After she passed that's when he became really crazy.  
Sanem went to her room and Can came to see if she was okay.
Can, couldn't believe all the books she had.  Literature and poetry and of course her romantic stories. Then he sees the poster of the albatross.
CAN:  Sanem, how long  have you had this poster?
SANEM: "as long as I can remember. See Can we were meant to be.   You know Can, if my life wasn't the way it was, with my stepfather, and me coming to look for food, and then running away, we probably would have never met.   You are my destiny. My albatross."
CAN : "come here Phoenix." He hugs her  tightly and gives her a kiss. " I'm so happy fate brought you to me."
Sanem and Leyla gathered some of there stuff , and left.
Can and Sanem went back to the farm.  Miriban had the cabin ready for them. , Sanem and Can loved it.
SANEM: "Can, it's so cozy, I love it!!"
CAN:  I love it too, I could definitely live here on the farm."  SANEM: "me too Can " ( I can see our kids running around on the farm)
Miriban had lunch ready for them, they ate and decided to go outside and lay on the hammock.  Sanem fell asleep.  Can heard her crying in her sleep, he tried to wake her up.  All she kept saying was "please don't hit me and she just cried" he finally woke her up.
CAN: are you ok?   SANEM: I'll be okay.  I promise. 
CAN: rest alittle longer I have a surprise for you later.
SANEM:  "really, I love surprises. Give me a hint."
CAN: "nope you have to wait." SANEM: "ok I can wait, but you know, I have a surprise for you too."
CAN: "oh yeah, can't wait to see it. "
Metin came by, later in the afternoon. He explained to Sanem that she might have to testify.   She wasn't happy.   But she knew it had to be done.   And that there was no evidence that Achia was involved, she was just interested in Can.  And she has some stocks in his company.  And so far no illegal activities in Fabris company. And Can I'm sorry to tell you , you might have to still work with her because of the contract .
CAN: "are you serious!! Metin, there has to be something we can do.   METIN:  "Unfortunately no, unless she does something wrong or we find something on her."
SANEM: "don't worry Can, I'll protect you, I'll take care of her no problem!" Trust me you won't be alone with her at all. I know it's hard having all these women chasing after you." ( caressing his beard) And she started laughing , so did Metin.  Poor Can just stared at them and then he started laughing too.
CAN: "okay Sanem it's not that funny.  I just want to finish up as soon as possible."
METIN:  I'm still hoping to find something with Fabri's company.  But it might take some time if there is anything. 
SANEM:  "I just want everything over with. I want to start fresh."
CAN: "don't worry my love, soon everything will be ok, maybe we will take alittle vacation, some alone time just you and me."
SANEM: "I would love that."  ( because pretty soon it will be you, me and the baby).

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