Chapter 55 epilogue

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Can rushed Sanem  to the hospital. The nurses took her in and hooked her up to all the necessary equipment.
NURSE: "how are feeling Sanem,?"
SANEM: "I'm ok, are they going to give me anything for the pain?"
NURSE:  yes the doctor should be in shortly.
CAN: "my life, how are you feeling!"
SANEM:  " I'm okay, alittle scared but ok. Do you realize we will be going home as a family of 5."Can chuckled,  "Yes, and I'm looking forward to it"it's going to be fine Sanem, we have lots of help "
SANEM: "yes we do!!"        CAN:  I m going to run out to the waiting room and tell everyone that your ok and I'll be back"
SANEM:  who's out there?"
CAN: "Well it seems that you have a big fan club everybody's out there."  " like who?"
CAN: "well let's see, of course Emre, Leyla, my father, Miriban, your aunt and uncle, Ahan, CeCe, Osman and Gamze, her parents, Metin and Deran. "
SANEM: "What!!! Are you kidding me." CAN: "nope !"
SANEM:  "did you notice Gamze and Osman Can, and Metin and Deran? It's looks like there getting along very well. Maybe wedding bells in the near future."
CAN: "my wife the matchmaker!!  I'll be right back!"
Gives her a kiss and goes and informs everyone that she's doing well.  And goes back to the room.
Couple of hours later the doctor comes checks her out and says, we're ready to go Sanem, we will do a c-section.  It will be better for you and the babies.  Can kissed "Sanem are you ready to welcome our babies in the world?"  "I am, I love you Can, I love you Sanem."
SANEM: by the way Can, you look hot in those Scrubs, make sure you take them home with you. And she winked at him.  The nurses laughed. They enjoyed this beautiful couple seeing that they were so in love.
DOCTOR:  "okay ready to begin!!"  Baby number one a boy, do you have a name?
Sanem and Can at the same time" Deniz Can Divit!!
DOCTOR;  "ok number 2 a girl!" They both answered Atesh!! And baby number 3 another Girl!!  They answered Yildiz!! There you have your beautiful triplets!!
The Nurses cheered for them.
Sanem and Can were crying, " Can, there beautiful, Deniz is you, he's going to be a heart breaker,"
CAN:  and the girls are all you Sanem. There beautiful!!
DOCTOR:  okay, we're going to take the babies to be checked out, they might be a little underweight which is normal. They might have to stay an extra week in the hospital which is normal because they are  little early but everything so far looks good. I'll come in to check on you a little later."
Can went to inform  everyone, they were so happy hugging him and congratulating him. And told them immediate family will be able to visit once Sanem goes to her room.  Everyone else understood congratulated him and went home.
It's been three months and the babies are doing well, sleeping alittle better, and eating better. Sanem is tired but doing okay, breastfeeding can be tiring, and Can is a great dad, he's been so good with the babies.  And with Sanem.  He's been working from home.  And everything is working out great.  And they found out that Leyla and Emre are also expecting twins a boy and a girl!!
Sanem was in the babies room feeding Deniz, he always wants to eat.  He's just like his daddy.
CAN:  "when you're done meet me in the bedroom I'm hungry I need some milk." Sanem just blushed beat red and Can loves it, we've been married almost two times years and she still blushes.
SANEM: "Caaaan, put your scrubs on, and I'll be in, in  a couple of minutes." Can has a big grin on his face and runs into the bedroom.
The twins are six months old. The youth center is open and it's doing very well, tonight they will be having another fundraiser for the center and with this fundraiser they are hoping to open one for the boys.
Everything went well, plans for another youth center for boys are in the works and can Sanem are the happiest they've been. 
They opened the nursery at work, and it's working out perfectly, employees are bringing there children and the triplets are making friends.. and the Agency is doing very well.
It's the triplets first birthday. Can and Sanem invited everyone from family to friends and the agency to the birthday, on the farm.
The triplets just started walking, but seem to be enjoying there birthday with all the children.
SANEM:   "Can I feel so blessed, we are so lucky, to have what we have." I love my life with you.  I couldn't have asked for anything more."
CAN:  "my love ( hugging her from behind enjoying watching their children play) everyday with you is an adventure ". I'm sure we will have a lot more adventures together, especially with those three beautiful babies.  Especially Yildiz and Atesh those two are going to keep us on our toes.  Look how there playing with the boys already, I have one rule, no dating until there 25!! And I have to approve.  Sanem starts laughing "and do you think there going to ask your permission?"She couldn't stop laughing, Can laughed and kissed Sanem.  And she says,  "Can, look at your son, the little charmer, charming all the little girls I wonder who he takes after". They both laughed, and hugged each other.  And said " we both have our work cut out for us, but we wouldn't have it any other way!!"

————-           The End——————

I hope you enjoyed my story, this was the first time I did any writing,,   Hopefully I can come up with another story.  Thank you all  for taking the time to read my story!!!

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