Chapter 51

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Can and Sanem, went Agva for a couple of days for there honeymoon.  Can got them a beautiful suite faceing the water.
SANEM: "Can this is beautiful, your spoiling me"she hugged him and kissed him.
CAN: "anything for my beautiful wife And babies."
It was already late so they decided to eat in the room and just relax. 
After they ate Sanem went to the bathroom to change, she came out with a beautiful see through white long lace negligee that hugged every curve of her body , Can turned and saw her, "wow Sanem, ( as he's slowly walking over to her) you look amazing, pregnancy becomes you" he puts his arms around her and starts caressing her all over her body, .  Everything is fuller, your breast, your beautiful sexy ass.  I can't get enough of you.  She starts , blushing and puts her face in his neck.
I'll love when you get all shy bebek, he cups her face and starts kissing her, Sanem starts unbuttoning his shirt he takes it off, and then she goes for the pants.  They're both so hot for each other. He takes off her clothes and lays  her on the bed.  He stops and he stares at her.  And slowly starts caressing and kissing her body.  They made slow and passionate love several times that night.  
The next morning they got up all smiles and headed to the beach.   They both loved being on the beach, and playing in the water.
They both enjoyed their time together, with no interruptions.  "Can, back to reality, Work tomorrow."
Sanem as Long as I'm with you I don't care where I am.
The next morning they got up to get ready for work, Sanem felt a-little nauseous, but the medicine helps her a lot. Can made her a nice healthy breakfast. 
AHAN: Sanem, how are you, how was your honeymoon?
SANEM: "it was beautiful, very relaxing."
AHAN: "good I'm so happy for you! Listen is it ok if Osman and I come to see you and Leyla at lunch time?"
SANEM: "of course, I'll order pizza for all of us, sounds good. See you then!!"
Huma decided to make an appearance today.  And actually she was on good behavior. 
She went straight to Aziz's office.
AZIZ: "what do want Huma?  Hurry up we have a lot of work."
HUMA: "I want you to buy my shares"
AZIZ: why are you running out of money already, how many husbands with money did you divorce? 3 after me. okay, I will give you a fair price, as long as you leave and never come back.
HUMA: "are you serious, I won't see my sons again? "
AZIZ: that's right, they don't want you here, every time you come all you do is cause problems they're married men now and you need to stay out of their lives. If they want to see you, that's up to them but you will definitely be out of my life. I don't wanna see you or hear from you anymore.
Huma Agreed to what Aziz said, and the boys agreed as long as she doesn't cause problems. She could call them and see them , when they can on their terms , and she has to be nice to their wives or else she won't see them again. Huma agreed.

Can, Sanem Leyla and Emre were in the conference room waiting Osman and Ahan.   They see them coming with a middle aged couple,
SANEM: I wonder who that is? LEYLA: I don't know but they look familiar. 
They entered the room, and they looked at Sanem and Leyla, the lady had tears filling in her eyes.
SANEM; hello I'm Sanem, and this Leyla and my husband Can , and Leyla's fiancé Emre.
Leyla looks at the woman closely, "aunt Mevcabi., uncle Nihat."  Sanem and Leyla got up and hugged them, Leyla: are you back permanently? "Can, Emre I'm sorry this our aunt Mevcabi, our mother's sister and her husband uncle Nihat."
Mevcabi: "yes we are, we saw Ahmet was arrested along with his friends, so we decided to come back."
The couple sat down and told them  how they were run out of the neighborhood by Ahmet and his goons.  They threatened them that they would kill them if they didn't leave.  And then they threatened them with Leyla and Sanem that they would kill them if they didn't leave
SANEM: "why did he want you to leave?"
MEVCABI:  "because we knew how he was treating you, but he had to many connections back then, from what we understood he was Mafia.  He even organized an accident with your uncle Nihat, he was in the hospital for a month.   And your mother before she passed away she begged us to leave, she was scared for us. But now we're back and we want to testify against him. We want him in prison for the rest of his life."
We want him punished for what he did to you girls, especially to you Sanem. I'm sorry we couldn't protect you. 
SANEM: there's nothing you could have done, he was a very bad person.  It's now that matters, we are both doing very well, Leyla and Emre are engaged and, I got married last Saturday, and I'm expecting triplets!!
The couple got up and hugged the girls.  They were so happy that ther life turned out well.   
Leyla:  are you staying in Instanbul?  Mevcabi:  we would like to stay in the family home, were you grew up. If it's ok with you girls, That was your mother's house and mine our parents left us that house. And of course it will be yours one day.  ( the couple had no children) The girls were so happy.  They agreed.  
Nihat and Mevcabi, settled in the family home.  They were so happy to see there old friends from the neighborhood.   She loved to cook!! Almost every night the girls Emre and Can, had a home cooked meal.  And she always extended the invitation to Aziz , Miriban, Osman and Ahan and  of course CeCe.

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