Chapter 33

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Polen, Yigit and Huma, met at a cafe in the city.
HUMA:  well Polen, you really let that girl have it, she will never forgive him after this. 
POLEN: yes, but it's over between Can and I, he never wants to see me again.  He had never spoken to me with such anger before, I'm leaving for London tonight. I can't be here anymore  knowing Can hates me, I have to get back to work and I have to let Can go. (Tears filling her eyes)
HUMA: well my dear Polen , you let your jealousy get in the a way, and you didn't play your cards right,  now Yigit, it's your turn.  You have to get Sanem to leave the agency. Don't be like your sister.
Polen just stared at Huma, she even started feeling guilty about what she did to Can, she loved Can. She didn't want to hurt him like this. But she Hates Sanem, she deserved everything she got.  But in the meantime I suffered to.  How did Huma get in my head, she knew Can was my weakness, she's such a manipulator. I need to get back to my life, and try to put everything behind me.  But Huma is digging herself deeper into a hole, I don't want to be around when that happens. Does she even love her sons? It's always about her. Good bye Huma it was nice knowing you.!!
YIGIT: "just sat and listened.  Huma, don't worry, Sanem will be mine, we're already becoming close.  She loves to write.  Sooner or later she will be mine, and Can will be looking in from the outside.  He doesn't deserve her."
Can jumped up when he heard Emre come in.
CAN: "Emre how is she?     EMRE:  "well, we talked, she's very sad Can , the tears wouldn't stop, but I think in time she will forgive you, but you have to give her time.  It seems that she believes that nothing happened, but I think other things are bothering her to Can, she said when she ready she will call you."
CAN:  "Emre I hope your right, if I lose her I won't survive, she's part of me, I never felt these feelings before.  Ok, I'll give her the time she needs."
Can went back to his room to think, how could things have gotten so out of hand.  We will fix this my Love.  No one will stop us again!
Emre and Aziz are worried about Can, they've never seen him like this, the paparazzi always posted lies about him , but it never bothered him, but this , is killing him. Who ever thought that Can would fall in love, such a free spirit, never staying in one place, an albatross.  It seems that the Albatross found his mate.
Leyla spent the day talking about everything and anything, they laughed they cried, but when Sanem told her what she went through with her stepfather she was devastated. The beatings, little to eat, she would tell her how her and Ahan would go to the upper class neighborhoods to steel clothes and food when they could. Leyla was devastated, feeling guilty that she had a better life than her sister. Sanem then told her. That is how I met the Divits, "they saved me Leyla."and the tears kept coming. Leyla hugged her, "Sanem I never knew the whole story how you met, they are good people Sanem, don't doubt it, you would never know that the Divits have money. AZIZ raised his sons well. Thank god Huma wasn't in  their lives.,  the boys were playboy's , ( and they laughed) but there young men too, and both very handsome, but when they love they love.  Can has always been carefree, I've been with the company for 6 years, and he would come and go. Work awhile with his father and brother, the employees love him, but when he gets a good photography job, he's always out.  This is the longest I've seen him stay Sanem. It's seems you made him more grounded."Sanem smiles and hugs Leyla.
SANEM:  "you know Leyla, I looked Can up on the internet, he's always attached to beautiful model type woman, he's his the most  handsome man I have ever seen.  It's alittle scary, he's a famous photographer, and all these women around him, it's like they fall to his feet, he's very charismatic, and they see that, I don't know if I can match up or compete with them.
LEYLA: "Sanem, don't ever say that!! You are beautiful inside and out. And that's what Can sees, he's sees your beauty and your good heart.  And remember don't believe everything you see." They both laughed, but Sanem was still not sure of her self,  "you know Leyla,
Sometimes when he used to beat me, he would say,
Do you think you're  pretty. Well you're not!! Nobody will want you!! That's why you will do what I tell you. And he would hit me over and over again." When he was drunk where he couldn't move, that's when I would sneak out with Ahan.  I always thought about running away, but then his words would pop up in my head and I would come back.
Leyla was devastated, "Sanem, he was lying, he just wanted to control you, so he can do what he wants with you!! Don't let his words bring you down.   He's a sick evil man!!"  SANEM: "I guess, but words like that you can't forgive and forget."
LEYLA: "Sanem lets talk about something different, let's bake and make some comfort food, and watch some funny movies all day today, Let's put everything aside for today, what do you say?" Sanem looks at Leyla, gives her a heart warming smile and says, "let's do it, no more sad talk today!!! Just you and me having fun, and only funny conversations and movies.  Leyla and Sanem did just that!!
The girls had a great day together, Sanem went to bed feeling lighter,  "it's going to be ok Sanem," she said to herself.
Can texted Sanem that night.  CAN: "good night my life my love, I'm sorry for everything, please forgive me. I'm nothing without you." "I Love you!"
She was happy and sad to see the text from Can.  But she wasn't ready to talk yet.
SANEM: "I know Can, we will talk, good night."

                              Author's note
Hi everyone, I hope you're enjoying my story, it's my first, never wrote anything before, I'm a big EK fan I've seen it so many times.  And probably will watch it again. 😊 Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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