Chapter 38

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It was Friday, and Can was leaving Sunday night for Africa.  We picked up the contract from Metin, everything looked.  I'm ready to sign.
Walking into the Agency, at the front desk, it's Yigit again.
Can is thinking what is it with this guy. He really can't take a hint.
Sanem looks at Can and crosses her eyes, and they laugh.
YIGIT:  "hello Sanem, did you get the contract?"
SANEM: "yes I did, we can sign right here in front of Can as a witness." ( can is just beaming!)
YIGIT: "yes of course, ( sarcastically) in front of Can, why not."
They signed the contract. And all wheels are in motion.
CAN: "Sanem, come to the conference room please."
They go to the conference room and all the employees, Leyla, Emre, Aziz, and Mihriban are waiting for her. 
she sees all the advertisements set up for her book. She can't believe what's going on. She's so emotional.
CAN: "Sanem, we are all so proud of you, you've accomplished so much in such a short time, and helped the agency with your creativity.  Now it's our turn to pay you back this is all for you. This is all going up today, every one will know that in two weeks your book will be out. And I believe, it will be a number one seller."
Sanem was feeling overwhelmed, she couldn't believe what everyone has done for her.  She hugged and kissed everyone individually.  And then  went to Can, hugged and kissed him and whispered,  I owe you a big thank you my love."
"Leyla let's go to lunch I want to buy something, and I want you with me."Sanem what is it,  "you'll see."
Sanem and Leyla, went to a lingerie store, "Sanem, what are you doing?" "Leyla. What does it look like, I'm going to thank Can, everything he's done for me."
LEYLA: "are you sure about this? This is a big step you're taking"
SANEM: "i'm 100% sure of what I'm doing , Can and I talked last night, and know that we're gonna end up together. There's no other for either of us." And Leyla, don't tell me that you and Emre, haven't done it yet."
Leyla was embarrassed, Sanem just stared at her.  I knew it!! Leyla, and you're trying to give me a lecture!! And they both laughed.  They hurried back to work. Laughing and giggling, in leyla's office, Can and Emre are looking at them through Can's office door.
EMRE:  "what's up with them too. They haven't stopped laughing since they got back from lunch"
CAN: "I don't know, maybe they had a couple of drinks at lunch, you know how it affects them."
And they bursted out laughing!
Sanem and Leyla looked in Can's office, they see them laughing, why are they laughing?" Who Knows maybe there talking about old girl friends, both girls get up real quick and run into Can's office.  They all just looked at each other and just laughed.  
The day was almost over. And Fabri decides to make his presence again.
Can , Sanem, it's nice to see you again together.  Sanem was fuming. 
SANEM: well Fabri bey, we were never apart, and never will be.  (Can is just looking at him, he's up to something)
FABRI:  well that's good to hear.   I'm very happy for you both.  Actually Sanem, I wanted to talk to you.  I was hoping that you would change your mind about the fragrance.
SANEM: "I'm sorry no, I haven't, first of all it's not mine it's my grandmother. And that's her special recipe, and she's not willing to give it up. Sorry".  You know family values and all." She's being very polite. She doesn't want to get him mad because he's an important client. Can is looking at her. And thinking, she always has an answer ready.  Love her!!
FABRI:  "ok Sanem, try talking to her maybe, if you tell her she will see a good profit from the fragrance she will change her mind."
SANEM: "I will thank you Fabri bey" they said there good bye's and he left.  "Wow, he just doesn't give up!"
CAN:  "no he doesn't, you're not going to talk to her about it are you?"
SANEM: "no she won't listen to me anyway."
CAN: "why?   SANEM: "because she died like 15 years ago." And they both laughed.
everyone was caught up with their work, and Can and Emre let everyone go home early,  the couples decided to go out to dinner and a movie.  Sanem and Leyla were whispering, and Can and Emre were wondering what's up with them. 
Sanem was feeling very nervous about to tonight.  "Leyla, I'm nervous, what happens if he's not satisfied, being that he has so much experience."
Are you kidding me Sanem!! you could lay there and do nothing,  and he would be the happiest man on earth, because he loves you.  That's all that matters.  I was Nervous too the first time, but trust me your instincts will kick in.  And you're going to love every minute of it."" "Ok , I'm ready!! Let's go home".  And they both laughed.  "Good luck Sanem.!!"
Sanem was very quiet in the car, Can couldn't figure out what was wrong.  "Sanem, are you ok?"   "Hmmmm, oh yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about some stuff, you know the book , work,  you leaving."
"Bebek, don't worry, everything will be fine.  As far as me 2 months will be over before you know it , and if I can finish earlier I will, ok?"I promise." She turned to him caressing his beard slightly smiling.  " I love you Can Divit!" "And I love you Sanem Ayden!"
Can went to take a shower, Sanem quickly Changed, lit some candles in Can's room. And waited till he was done.
Can took his shower wrapped his towel around his waist, came out of the bathroom, and saw the candles, he sees Sanem standing there in a short black négligée with black lace  see through bra and panties. Can can't move.  "Sanem, what are you doing,". " I told you I owe you a big thank you" ( with a shy smile on her face)
,it didn't take long for Can to get hard. All he had to do is look at her.  He walks over to her, takes her hands kissing them, "Sanem are you sure? , you don't have to, if you don't want to" "Can I've never been more sure of anything in my life. You complete me."
"Sanem, you complete me too, I'm nothing without you." "Can I want to be yours.  Make yours"
"Sanem, you don't have to tell me twice, I want nothing more than for you to be mine and me yours"
Can walked over to the bed, with the back of her knees against the bed. "Wait, did you ever bring women here , in this house in your bed?"  "I never did, hotels, only. What about," only in London, and very rear in her apartment here in turkey." "We only saw each other a couple of times a year." Your the first in my bed and the last Sanem".  "you know Can Divit your very good with your answers."  he smiles with a very seductive smile , "it makes me even more sure that I'm doing the right thing" . "Bebek, I have no doubt" he takes of her robe off, and starts to caress her, giving her kisses, on her face and going down her neck, "bebek I'm crazy for you.  I can't wait to be inside you,". Sanem takes of his towel and looks down, and thinking is it going to fit? It's like he read her mind. "Don't worry my love it will fit, we will go slow. " he takes her bra off and under wear, he can't get enough of her, kissing and sucking her all over, and it's seems like she picking up very fast.  She can't get enough of him, scratching his back sucking and kissing him every where.
" Tell me what you want  bebek"  "I don't know , down there , I'm going crazy,".  do you want me inside, yes, please Can."her moans were making him even harder if that's even possible. He gets on top of her puts  himself  at her entrance and enters, slowly "are you ok Bebek?""oh yes Can," he starts thrusting in and out and they both explode at the same time. He looks in her eyes and places small kisses all over her face, "are you ok ?" She Smiles and says "better than ok, that was amazing.  "I didn't know it could feel that wonderful, Can is it possible that I can love you even more." Yes because I feel the same way!" "Really Can?" "Sanem I told you this is my first time making love, it was incredible!! I Never felt anything like it."  "Sanem were staying in the rest of the weekend just you and me." No interruptions!!"  She smiled at him, "I agree no interruptions.  They spent the rest of the night making love again several times. And fell asleep in each other's arms.

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