Chapter 44

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The creative group was in the conference room waiting for Fabri and his assistant. Deran walks in with Fabri,
FABRI: good morning everyone, my assistant is running alittle late with the traffic, she should be here soon.
Can and Sanem nod their heads.  Can asks :"what's this new product that you have."
FABRI: it's a men cologne, it's the first time I'm actually creatinga men's cologne, so I hired a woman assistant, because who knows better than a woman smelling cologne on a man.
SANEM: (whispering in Cans Ear ) you know Can, I think I'm going to create a personal scent just for you.
CAN:  and I will only wear it when you are with me.  Which is basically 24/7.  ( they smiled adoringly at each other)
Can and Sanem agreed.  Fabri was watching can and Sanem carefully, thinking these two are pretty tight, it's not going to be easy. If this doesn't work I'm might have to go to extreme measures. Let's see what happens.
Deran enters with the assistant. She's a very pretty, young confident woman.  Achia was introduced to everyone, and when she came to Can she stared at him a little longer.  She tried to sit next to Can but CeCe sat between them.  Can and Sanem looked at him then at each other and giggled.
The whole time during the meeting Fabri was looking at Sanem and Achia at Can, CeCe was noticing everything but Can and Sanem were busy looking at the file in front of them.
After the meeting, they all decided to go out to lunch together  Can, Sanem, Achia , Fabri, CeCe and Deran, to get to know each other better. It seemed that Can and Achia had a lot in common, she liked extreme sports and mountain climbing just like him, and she spoke Italian, so they started speaking Italian to each other. Sanem just sat there and looked and thought here we go again, and Fabri is loving it, he sees Sanem getting jealous. CeCe and Deran see it too. And they don't like this Achia.  She's definitely after Can!
When they got up to leave , Achia took Cans hand and held it longer and pretended to smile shyly and swayed slightly back and forth and slightly tilted her head to one side, and said in Italian," It was very nice to meet you.Can." "We should do this again maybe we can go climbing together or do some sports together." Can didn't answer. Deran and Sanem are rolling their eyes.
CeCe: Sanem, did you see her, she's a girl version of Can, she dresses like him and does everything he does.
SANEM: "I noticed, she even has her shirt open like Can, and necklaces, and if she bends over you will see everything and she definitely doesn't have a bra on!!"Can was very accommodating. Speaking Italian. Well, let me tell you that this girl is in for the fight of her life.. !!"
can also noticed how Fabri was looking at Sanem.  He didn't like the look in his eyes. It was disturbing to Can He wants Sanem bad. 
They went home that evening, he noticed how Sanem was very quiet. "Everything ok bebek."   " yes I'm fine just tired." She went out by the pool with a glass of wine and closed her eyes and was soaking in the summer sun.
They made dinner talked alittle, and went back outside to sit by the pool. And Sanem turns around and says.  "Can I didn't know you speak Italian?"
CAN: yes, I learned it when I was in college in Italy, and I also speak English and Spanish.
SANEM: Wow, Can. That's impressive.  It's good that you had that opportunity to learn different languages.
CAN: "yeh, I always loved learning different languages, it came in handy with all the traveling I did."
SANEM: "I would love to learn a different language.  I speak some English, I picked it up at school I would go on line secretly and try to learn, my photographic memory helped alot."
Can just stared at her, he can see the wheels turning in her head.  She is definitely thinking about today. Can didn't want to bring up anything about today, so he tried to lighten the mood. "Let go skinny dipping bebek." She turned and looked at him and smiled and said I'll race you who can take there clothes off faster and jump in the pool. That's my girl!!
They ended up having a very nice fun evening together.
Can fell asleep, Sanem decided to start working on Can's scent. She stayed up practically all night.  And she is very close to coming up with the perfect scent.  I will give it to him in a couple of weeks on our one year anniversary.
The next couple of days were busy, with of course Achia making her Daly appearance. Sometimes with Fabri.  Sanem was talking to Deran and CeCe, " she's here almost every day, what is her problem, I know she knows about me and Can!!
Deran:  Sanem dear, Can loves you, he would never do anything to hurt you.
CeCe: I agree, Sanem, Can is not that type of guy.  This is a big account, and he's just being nice.
Deran: and knowing Can like all men.  He has no clue what she's doing, he probably considers her a friend.
Sanem:  I guess, maybe, but I'm not going to say anything to him, I don't want him to think that I'm jealous of every woman around him. It might strain our relationship.
Sanem would sit in all the meetings when Achia showed up.  Achia didn't like it Sanem could see it her eyes. 
Of course Can, didn't notice again. Leyla did but not Emre, what is it with men.  I don't understand. They can't tell when a woman is after them.
That night Sanem and Can made love. He made her melt.  No matter how mad she would get at him, she would always melt when he touched her.
CAN: bebek, I was thinking, were not using protection are you on the pill? If not I should go buy some condoms. 
SANEM: "no I'm not."   she's alittle disappointed. Can, you don't want kids?"
CAN: of course I do, I want a whole football team with you, (and he kisses her) but I also want to enjoy my time with you right now. We're young, once kids come, we won't be able to do much."
SANEM: "I agree."
The next day, of course who comes slithering in Achia, pretending to work and then all of sudden she blurts out,  " you know Can I belong to a climbing group"maybe you can come with us sometime, Sanem was ready to pounce on her, what a bitch, she's asking for it.
Can: "that's nice, maybe, if I don't have a lot of work."
Sanem just stared at him, and Achia saw the look in her eyes, she knows that Sanem is not stupid. But the look that.Sanem gave her back made Achia cringe, she knows Sanem is going to fight her. 
Later that day Fabri came in to sign some papers, and secretly says to Sanem, they get along very well don't they? They have a lot in common?" 
SANEM:  not as much as you think Fabri bey. 
FABRI: all men stray Sanem it's natural when they see a beautiful woman.
SANEM: Can is Different.   FABRI: ok, if you say so!!
Can is looking at Sanem talking to Fabri and he's burning up inside. That guy won't stop!! He better watch himself.
After they left, Can went to Emre's office. 
CAN: Emre, I want to get an engagement ring for Sanem I want you to come with me.
EMRE:  "my brother the playboy settling down, of course I will, I also want to look for Leyla."
CAN: look who's talking! Ok tomorrow at lunch we will make cup an excuse and go find the perfect rings.
EMRE:  when do you plan on giving it to her?
CAN:  "I don't want to rush but I don't want to wait too long either, I want to figure out the perfect place to do it . How about you?
EMRE: Probably in about a month we will be together 2 years I think it would be the perfect time.
CAN: I agree, we will tell them we have banking business at lunch tomorrow.
They shook on it and Can went back to his office. Daydreaming about Sanem. 

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