Chapter 39

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Can and Sanem, spent the whole day together on Saturday.  They ate.  drank, swam, made love all day.
It was starting to hit Sanem, that he was leaving. He noticed she wasn't talking much towards the end of the day.
CAN:  "Sanem, what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
SANEM: "I'm just going to miss you Can, I know it's your work and you love what you do. But it's the first time we're really going to be apart since we met."
CAN:  "I know, I'm going to miss you too my love.  Sometimes I wish I didn't commit, but it was either this assignment or a longer one.  I will try to finish faster if possible Sanem.  Believe me I rather be here with you."
He hugged her and kissed her. And pulled out a box and gave it to her.
SANEM:  what's this Can?"       CAN: "just a little present for my love, open it". Sanem opens the box and takes out a heart locket., ( the locket has a GPS  tracker in it) she looks at him, with tears in her eyes.
SANEM: (with a soft voice) "Can, it's beautiful. You didn't have to get me anything.."
CAN:  "open it up".she opens it up and it has a picture in it of the two of them. 
SANEM: "I love it Can!! Put it on me" she runs inside to look in the mirror.  Comes back outside.  "Can, I'm never taking it off.  I love you Can Divit, you romantic Bully!"" They hugged and kissed and fell asleep outside under the stars.
Sunday started out ok, but as the day went on they both started to feel sad.  They didn't want to part.
"Are you ok Sanem?" "I'm ok, it will go fast, I have a lot to do with the book and the Agency, maybe I'll have Ahan come and spend some time with me and Leyla.  I'm glad that she will be here too."
Can was having second thoughts, he didn't want to leave. Before he met Sanem he couldn't wait to see another part of the world he would get so excited,  but now  all he wants to do is be with Sanem.  Who would have thought me Can Divit, the world traveler, would find his home bird, to set roots down and want to start a family.
Later that evening, Emre and Leyla came, they had dinner and Can went to pack.
Leyla noticed Sanem was feeling sad, I would feel the same way if Emre was leaving for a couple on month's.
"Don't worry little sister before you know it Can will be back."  "I know, I'll be fine, I'll keep myself busy, and you will be here to, And I'll tell Ahan to come and visit."
It was time for Can to leave.  He said goodbye to Leyla, and Emre went to the car to give them some privacy.
Sanem and Can, hugged and kissed each other, they wouldn't let go. Sanem had tears in her eyes,  "Bebek, don't cry please I'll be home before you know it." "I know. ". " I have to go or I'll miss my flight".  They hugged and kissed one more time and he was out the door.
LEYLA: "Sanem, are you ok".     SANEM: I'll be ok, I'm just going to miss him, I'll keep myself busy.  You know
Leyla , when Can is with me , I feel protected, like no one can get to me, and now I feel vulnerable. It's weird. It's probably my imagination, I'm just so used to him hovering over me"(she smiles)  "I'll be fine Leyla. "Leyla knew what she was thinking, she hugged her sister, and they sat on the couch to watch a movie.
On the way to the airport, Can explained to Emre about the locket and the tracker that's on it.  He downloaded the app for Emre on his phone.
EMRE: "don't worry brother we will take care of her. When I get home I will download the app on Leyla's phone and explain everything to her. Does Volkan have it on his phone too?"
CAN: " yes, I told Metin too, she trusts him." Remember Sanem doesn't know about the tracker."
EMRE: "no problem brother, ( they pulled into the airport)have a safe trip.  And keep in touch!!"they hugged and said goodbye.

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