Chapter 14 New Job

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Today is a new start to my new beginning, I start work today, I must say I'm a-little nervous, who would of thought of me the girl from the Mahalle working in the city. Ok here I go!!
Can is waiting for me, and one thing struck me as we were leaving, I look down at my clothes, thinking we're am I going like this, a pair of jeans and sneakers and a blue and white striped sleeveless crop top. I stop and look at myself and look back at Can. And start having second thoughts about starting today.
CAN: "Sanem are you ok"
SANEM: "my clothes Can, I mean, look how I'm dressed, I don't have anything nicer than this, I'm going to stand out like a sore thumb."
CAN: "no one dresses up Sanem, well except Deran, (with a smirk) well you will see why" you look great don't worry ". How about after work we do some shopping?
SANEM: "only if I can pay you back" (puts out her hand to shake on it)
CAN: deal!!
Wow this place is amazing, so colorful, even the people look colorful, it looks like I might fit in. (She's smiling from ear to ear)all of a sudden I hear a shreak, I turn to Can, he smiles and says Deran.
CAN: she may yell a lot but she's great at what she does.
As they walk all eyes are on Sanem. Can instruct everyone that there will be a meeting in 10 minutes.
CAN: Sanem, you will work here with me at my desk with me. It's big enough for both of us.
SANEM: ok Can,
The meeting went well, Can, and Aziz, explained to everyone Sanems position. Deren seemed to be the only one that more formal, looking her up and down.
One of the sweetest and strangest among the was CeCe. We hit of right away. Even his clothes stood out.
Emre was out in meetings with his assistant.
I was working alongside Can all day, every now and then I would look up at him, o get like I was dreaming.(girl get your head out of the gutter. What the hell get out of my head. Girl get back to work and stop staring and the handsome Turkish Delight) Sanem snaps out of her day dream. And get back to work.
Can is very impressed with Sanem, she very quick she catches on quickly. ( and she's also sweet and beautiful)
CAN: Sanem, you have another job every morning when you come in.
SANEM: what's that Can Bay? ( with a smile)
CAN: your in charge of tea making!! They both giggle, and tells him that she will have a thermos full of tea for him!
It was the end of the day, as they were putting things away, Emre comes back with his assistant. Sanem heard Emre, call the woman Leyla . Sanem stops , she's in shock, Leyla, no way could it be. Can and Emre see the shift in Sanem,
CAN: are you ok Sanem?"
SANEM:( she whispers she could barely speak) my sister, her name is leyla,"
EMRE: well let's call her in .
Sanem is sitting there with tears ready to fall, while Emre calls leyla to come into Cans office.
The girls just stared at each other rather in shock. They ran to each other and cried, and hugged and squeezed each other, they wouldn't let go of each other.
Aziz enters cans off and sees the girls emotional. Looks at his boys, they both have tears in there eyes.
Telling him we will explain later.
Can and Emre took the girls out to dinner, it was so nice to see them catch up and find each other after all these years. Sanem explained everything to Leyla everything that happened to her after Leyla left. Unlike sanem Leyla was in a loving family. She felt a-little guilty, that Sanem suffered. But Sanem knew it wasn't Leyla's fault. They will definitely be glued to each other from this day on. In more ways than one.
Can had taken Sanem shopping, she was feeling much better with the clothes she bought for to work.
It's been a week at GREAT IDEA, and Sanem was finding her way. And even Deran was warming up to her. But CeCe and Sanem were becoming best buddies laughing and joking together. Guliz is very nice, always smiling, but the biggest gossip of the office, when I listen to her I feel like I'm back in the Mahalle. Where you can't make a move without someone saying something about you.
Today is Friday, coming in a-little later today, I took at taxi. As I'm coming in Guliz, runs to me , Can Bays girlfriend is here. I just looked at her.
SANEM: "I didn't know he had a girlfriend?"
Guliz: "oh yes, miss Polen, she's beautiful, she heard that Can bay was back from his photo shoot in Cambodia. And she flew in from London to see him."

Sanem just stood there in shock, I guess my feelings are one sided. I really thought that he was feeling things too. Ok Sanem go see for yourself, he never mentioned a girlfriend. Take his tea in and see for yourself.

As Sanem enters Cans office, she sees this beautiful long legged beauty queen sitting next to Can with her hand on his. ( damn girl she's a freaking model. Why would he want you when he has her. Shut up your supposed to be on my side)
Can looks up at Sanem, and he softens when he sees her it seems that he's happy to see her .
SANEM: Can bey, I brought tea for the both of you.
POLEN: dear i don't drink tea bring a coffee black, make sure it's hot." She looks up at Sanem and looks her up and down).
Can looks annoyed with her but I could be wrong, I don't know. But she's a snob how can he be with someone like her. I feel like crawling under a rock. How can I compare myself to someone like her.
SANEM:I will leave you two alone. Good by."
CAN: "stay Sanem! This your office too."( Polen says to herself , they share an office who is this girl, I'll find out and when I do she won't be here long.)

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