Chapter 13

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"Good morning Sanem!! Good morning Aziz bay,"
SANEM:  "I thought we would have breakfast out side, it's a beautiful day today, nice and warm."
AZIZ:  "perfect Sanem, we brought some work home today for our new campaign, maybe out in the fresh air we can up with some ideas. You're welcome to join us."
SANEM:  thanks I would love to see how the advertising business works. 

After breakfast they all sat outside trying to come up with a campaign.  Sanem was listening, it sound interesting how everything works,  they even allowed her to look over the compass financial numbers from the last couple of years.   When they started going over the numbers Sanem just started reading of the profit numbers and dates from the last several years.   The guys were looking at her dumbstrucked.
CAN:  Sanem how did you do that, how did you remember all those numbers?
SANEM:  "oh I have a photographic memory, I remember everything I see.  It's annoying sometimes but it does come in handy." She said with a big smile.
EMRE:  "that's nice Sanem,  does it ever get confusing?"
SANEM:  "no not at all it's like my brain is wired to sort out everything and not get confused."
Can is smiling from ear to ear, thinking. She constantly surprises me. What's next.
AZIZ:  Can , Emre, we also need to hire someone for helping with filing and other things we can't get too.
CAN:  ok baba Monday morning I will look into it?
Sanems eyes lit up.
SANEM:  "Aziz bay, do you think I could do the job, I'm willing to do the work at the office anything you need, I need to earn some money to help around here"
AZIZ:  "it would mean you will do everything for everyone Sanem, are you sure?"
SANEM:  yes, I am very sure!!"
AZIZ:  you're hired, you can start Monday morning. You can come to work with one of us!! Welcome to GREAT IDEAS!!
Sanem had the brightest smile, finally I can help financially around here. Yes!!! Can watched her closely, so proud of her, she's willing to start from the bottom up, no shame, good for.   He has a feeling that she will be moving up the ladder very fast.  She's very smart, picks up very fast.
It was mid afternoon, they were having a hard time with the campaign. 
SANEM:  can I make a suggestion?"
AZIZ: of course dear.
SANEM:  "camping is always focused on men. Why don't you make it as a family, young children, mothers and fathers enjoying time together with their children, no phones no TV just family time, playing games hiking this way it shows that all ages enjoy a bonding experience while using  the camping equipment."

Again there looking at her like wow, for someone who had no experience in advertising came up with a great idea!
CAN:  "bravo Sanem!! That's a great idea. How did you come up with that. "
SANEM:  "you know I love nature, I love being outdoors, especially when the weather is nice.  I love to explore!! Sometimes when I would go out, I would go were there isn't a lot of people, and I would walk, walk, ( and she starts laughing and says). But I always got lost" hahaha!" I always tried to use my photographic memory to find my way back, thank god for that. It took me awhile but I always found my way back."
They were laughing along with, for some reason they can see it happening.
" I was just thinking, why don't you call the campaign FIND YOURSELF!! Compass is direction nature is calming, and you rediscover yourself.!"
The Divit's just looked at her in shock, they've been working on this account for a couple of weeks with a whole team, and she came up with it in a matter of hours.
AZIZ:  Congratulations Sanem, you just got hired to work with the creative team.  No bring and take girl for you!! You my child are very creative, welcome to the team, this account will be yours and you will be working alongside Can, and the rest of the creative team."
SANEM:  but I have no idea what I'm doing.
CAN:  don't worry Sanem, I will be right there with you , you will not be alone.  We have great people working for us, and they always welcome new and fresh ideas.
EMRE: "well I think we're done for today, let's enjoy the rest of the weekend."
SANEM:  thank you!! I'm so excited I promise I will work hard and do my best!!"
AZIZ: I have no doubt my dear no doubt at all!!
Sanem got up to get dinner ready. And Can says.  "No today we go out and celebrate!' Let's go Sanem,
Emre had other plans and Aziz decided to just relax. So it was just Can and Sanem.
They ended up going to an amusement park and eating hotdogs and funnel cakes.  They had the best time.  Can hasn't had this much fun in years, Sanem also,. They feel as if they known each other all their lives.
But from afar someone noticed Sanem.  " Well, well well, Sanem.  Did you come out of hiding.  And who's that guy with her, he's very protective of her. Who is he her bodyguard or something.  I'll get you Sanem, I'll find were your hiding and I'll come for."
Sanem all of a sudden got a chill down her spine, Can noticed how her demeanor changed. 
CAN:  "Sanem are you ok!"
SANEM:  "Can I have a funny feeling, like someone is watching us.  Can we go please"
Can and Sanem went home, can made sure no one was following them. 
CAN: don't worry Sanem your safe, (she turns around and gives him the warmest smile, she place her hand on his beard ), and says " I know Can."( this girl is, my destiny I can feel it, the more I'm with her the more I want to be with her, I always want her by my side.
Tomorrow is Sunday Sanem we will spend the day swimming and relaxing, and I will cook some steaks for us.  We will spend the day as a family.

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