Chapter 17

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Can sat back in his chair in his office, with a huge smile on his face and watched while Sanem went off on Polen. Wow, what a little spitfire!! I'm so proud of Sanem. She's says it the way it is, but man when you set her off watch out!!

Polen turned and looked at Can in shock, "are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Go get her say something to that low life Mahalle girl!!"

CAN: "no Polen, I will not say anything to her. (Can was getting angry at Polen)you deserved everything she said to you and more." She might not have the money or the education you have, but she's more woman than you will ever be, she's smart creative, caring, loves all types of people no matter what there status.!!" What's wrong with you!! You really are a disappointment, Sanem is right, go back to London., I never want to see you again !!" With that Can went to find Sanem.

Sanem decided to leave and go home. She couldn't stop crying, why are people so mean, why does it matter were you come from. (Ok calm down Sanem,
How can I , though I'm very proud of you really let her have it. Did you see her face)Sanem started to giggle, I sure did
Aziz and Emre caught up with Can ,
AZIZ: what happened Can I heard Polen yell first and then I heard Sanem, it sounded to me Sanem had the upper hand.
CAN: dad all I can say is I am so proud of Sanem. She gave it to Polen good!!" Leyla heard Can and said, Can my sister is of kind soul loves everything and everyone around her , she usually doesn't let anyone get to her, but when she knows she's right she will always speak her mind, and when she does the rath of Sanem comes out. I love my sister, even from a little girl she always stood up for what's right. Good luck can , I can see you care for her.she can be a challenge and very stubborn. Can just smiled, and said I want her just the way she is, I wouldn't change anything.

Can got home before his dad and brother, he heard Sanem slamming things in the kitchen and talking to her self.
CAN: "Sanem "she turned around and shot him a look, that says be careful what you say to me. "Are you ok"
SANEM: " is your girlfriend here to, or are alone?"
CAN: she's not here Sanem, I told her to go back to London." Sanem just stared at him. "You did?" Why!"
I told you she's not my girlfriend, I don't love her. I told her that you were right and she was wrong"
SANEM: ( girl what are you staring at, how can you be mad at the beautiful man) " you did, I thought you would be mad at me and I was ready for a good fight with you"
CAN: "well if you want we can get in the ring again and do some boxing?"
SANEM: "no I'm good!"
Can walked over to her wiped the tears from her face and said. "I'm so proud of you, you stood up for yourself, you're a fighter. Don't ever change. On that note. I really like you Sanem I would like to get to know you better, if you're willing."Sanem was so happy, all she could do is nod her head up and down, and hugged him, he hugged her back and softly kissed her lips. (Girl I'm going I don't think you need me anymore).
CAN: "ok let's get dinner ready."
After dinner they spent evening together, and got to no each other more.
While sitting there laying Cans arms Sanem receives a phone call, no name,
SANEM: "hello, hello, anyone there?"
"That's strange Can there was someone on the other line but no one was talking."
Can had an idea, who it was . But didn't say anything. He didn't want her to start worrying. I just have to keep my eyes and ears open. Maybe I'll hire a private investigator, I'll talk to volken tomorrow.

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