Chapter 7

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Aziz: "did you see Sanems face light up with just cake? That poor child has had a ruff time of it" " it's hurts to see people with a beautiful soul be treated badly the way she was".
Emre. "You're right baba. Sometimes we take for granted what we're blessed with" I think we're learning more from her than she is from us."
Can: "You know, when I see Sanems smile and see how excited she gets with the little things in life, it's like a child who can only see good in everything around them."
Aziz: "you know son, if all the people in the world could look through the eyes of the purity of a child, who are forgiving with a pure heart , then I think the world would be in a much better place."

As I lay in bed thinking of tonight, I can't stop smiling!!
This is my new beginning, I'm actually going to do it, I'm going to write a book:):) and this book is going to be about my life in the Mahalle, and how I came to live with these wonderful people, the true story of Sanem Ayden!! I want this book to make a difference in other people's lives that are struggling. I want people to know that sometimes bad things happen to bring the good in your life. What a turn my life has been given Me Sanem Ayden, a book!!!

Tomorrow I'll call Ahan and catch up with her, (oh how I miss her,)to see what's going on in the neighborhood, especially how my stepfather reacted when I left. Hopefully she can visit soon, I must talk to Aziz to see if she can visit me soon.

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