Chapter 22

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Can and Sanem, went for tea and bagels by the water before going to the agency.  Can could see she was a little of today.  Sanems mind was on the phone calls and message that she got. How did he get my number? I have to call Ahan later to see if she knows anything.
CAN: Sanem are you ok, you seem like your mind is elsewhere today, did you sleep ok?
SANEM: I'm fine can, I'm just thinking about my classes, I'm doing very well by the way, my professor wants to help me publish my book, he likes everything I wrote so far.
CAN: wow! Sanem, I'm so proud of you!! If I can help with anything let me know. (Can knew  that wasn't what was on her mind.  I wish she would open up to me.) Sanem, if you need anything from me, even just to talk, anything at all, I'm always here for you, don't ever forget that. You can trust me.
SANEM:  I know Can but I'm fine really, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if it wasn't for your support. And your father and brother.   I love you Can Divit. 
He hugged and kissed her and headed to work.

"Watching from afar: who is that guy with her, he's a beast. Is he a body guard or something." " he's huge, he looks like someone not to mess with"The man watches as they get up, he sees them embrace and walk away holding hands .  "Damn is that her boyfriend. That guy looks familiar, who is he? He better not touch her" I need her pure"  Sanem my dear, your stepdad is coming for you"
Can heads for his office, says hello to his dad and Emre.  While Sanem heads down to the file room to get some information on old accounts.
Can is working hard on an account, sitting at his desk with his head down. He hears his door open, and he says with his head down, " Sanem my love did you bring me tea, come sit next to me."
HUMA:  "I'm not your love, I'm your mother!"Can looks up, this really messed up my day what the hell does she want.
CAN:  "no your not my love!! But you're definitely not my mother either.  What do you want. Didn't we tell you not come here anymore, nobody wants to see you!!
HUMA: is that the way to talk to your mother.!"
CAN: "I don't know Huma, how would you like to be greeted with hugs and kisses the kind you gave us growing up , oh, I forgot you weren't around you were too busy with your boyfriends.  Making money of off them, tell me did you ever love anyone or is it always about you!The best thing my father ever did was divorce you.  Now get out of my office. I don't have anything else to say to you."
Aziz and Emre saw Huma enter Cans office, and so did Leyla and Sanem.  Aziz and Emre entered Cans office heard everything.  Sanem and Leyla stood outside side the door listening.
AZIZ: Cans right Huma, leave now.  Nobody wants you here. Whose life are you here to try to ruin again.
HUMA: "can't a mother come and see how her sons are doing. Don't for get Aziz, I have 20 percent shares here, and I can come and go as I please!"
Aziz: and you don't you forget with me and the boys together we can throw you out, because are shares together a way more than you have."
Huma just stared at the men. I need to get on there good side if I'm going to have them by my shares, I need the money. Not today though.
EMRE:  ok what is it? What do you want?
HUMA: can't a mother come and see how her son's are doing? I just miss you that's all, I know I made mistakes, but can't one try to change and make things better?
They all just looked at her and laughed.  And they said goodbye Huma have a nice day.
Huma was getting angry, and says to Can and Emre, " you don't want your mother, but you're both dating low class gold diggers that are way beneath you both and you're judging me. They only want you for your money."and Can, how could you break up with a beautiful girl like Polen, yes she told me. She's devastated, she's like a daughter to me."
CAN: of course you like her she's just like you!! A gold digger, you both are the gold diggers not our girlfriends, they both work very hard  here and have become a great asset to our company, and never ask us for anything.
EMRE: that's right Huma, maybe you should learn something from those girls that you call gold diggers, because everything they do for Can and I are out of the goodness of there hearts. Something you don't have.
The girls walked in, both fuming, ready to start, but when they heard what Can and Emre were saying they just stopped and looked at both with pure admiration and love.  They couldn't believe how lucky they were with these two wonderful men.
AZIZ: "Can , Emre, you know what you have to do, "
they both get up Emery grabs one arm  and Can the other and they walk her to the front desk and they have security escort her out.
The girls had the biggest smile on their face. They were so proud of their men. It's a shame that they have a mother like that, but thank God they had a father to raise them to become good young men and caring.

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