Chapter 42

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Sanem was on the patio, laying on the lounge chair looking up at the starts.  Emre and Leyla were watching a movie, when they hear the door open and close.  Can walks in hugs his brother and Leyla.
EMRE: "welcome home brother." CAN: it's good to be home.  Were is Sanem?"
LEYLA: "she's outside looking at the stars."
Emre and Leyla go to there room to give them some privacy. Can walks out back and leans over the chair to see Sanem. She has her eyes closed, 
CAN: "what are you thinking of princess?"
Sanem thinks she's dreaming, he gives her a kiss on her lips. Wake up bebek. She opens her eyes, "Can, ?"
She waves her hand in front of her face, she touches his beard, " Can your home!!!"  She jumps up, jumps on him wraps her legs around his waist. And kisses him so hard and passionately.   " I can't believe your home!! I love you!! ( kiss) I love you ( kiss) I love you! (kiss)
CAN: Sanem my love, I missed you, I got to say I like the way you welcomed me home, I think I'm going to leave  more often so I can get a greeting like this one every time.
SANEM:  don't you dare!! I was miserable without you. 
What happened your home 2 weeks earlier,
CAN: the weather was good, and I worked longer hours , and got done earlier.
They couldn't get enough of each other.  SANEM: are you hungry. "Let make you something  to eat"
CAN:  "I'm hungry but not for food."
She smiles and says, "I don't know if I'm the mood Can , I'm really tired."  Acting sleepy,  She laughs and he chases her into the bedroom, picks her up and throws her on the bed and starts tickling her, she was laughing so hard.
Can, stop, please. Still laughing.  He stops and looks in her eyes, "bebek I've missed you so much" " me too Can. I don't like when we're apart."  He kisses her roughly, he can't get enough of her.  They start undressing each other, and they make love all night long.  It's good that it's the weekend, because they can sleep in and relax.
The two couples decided to go to the beach for the day.
Sanem loved to watch Can come out of the water. She can't get enough of him all wet, his muscles seem even bigger since he got back.  ( girl you are so damn lucky, he's like a Greek god! I know. Now go away let me look at my boyfriend without interruptions from you)
They layed on the beach, for most of the day, got dressed and went to the boardwalk to get food. 
Leyla and Sanem sat on the bench while Can and Emre went to get ice cream.  Sanem and Leyla are watching them,  LEYLA:  do you see what I see". 
SANEM:  I do, who are those girls talking to can and Emre " they don't even have clothes on, just their bikini's there thong bikini s, And look how close there standing next to them. Those flirts!!
LEYLA: and look at them  ( can and Emre) talking and laughing with them are they for real.
SANEM: the girls put there hands on there arms, and there just standing there like nothing. Are they that clueless!! Or are they enjoying the attention. 
LEYLA : I think they are, maybe we should take our cover ups off and go over were those good looking guys are and see how they like it. 
SANEM:  let's do it, we have our bikini thong bathing suits on.  Let's piss them off!!
And off they went.  Leyla and Sanem are standing in line talking to some young good looking men.  Can and Emre hear them laughing, turn to look at them, they can't believe what they're seeing,
CAN: why are they talking to those guys, look at them laughing, and their asses  are out , were are there cover ups!!
EMRE:  I told her not to take that cover up off, when we're not together. 
Both the guys are furious!! They go over to the girls, the girls turn to look at them and Sanem says, can I help you? We're busy talking right now. Go back to your friends that want to give you benefits.  Emre and Can just looked each other. They grab the girls and take them back to the bench.  The girls turn to look at them with their hands on their hips, furious. 
SANEM: what's the matter you don't like us talking to other guys"
CAN:  not with you wearing a thong!!
SANEM: why Can, the girls who had their hands on your arms had thongs on didn't seem to bother the two of you!!! Did you like their ass Can!!
LEYLA: yeah Emre, did you like her ass too!!!
SANEM: And it's not like they grabbed our asses.
EMRE: we're leaving, let's go. 
SANEM: What's your problem , you two, you can flirt but we can't?  How does it feel. ?
CAN: we weren't flirting, they were talking to us. That's it, we didn't want to be rude.
EMRE: that's it, nothing bad happened.
LEYLA: and them putting their hands on your arms and leaving them there was nothing?
Can and Emre just stared at each other, what are talking about. They didn't do that.
Sanem and Leyla gave up , let's go home. We had enough!!
It was very quiet ride back. Can and Emre decided to let them cool off.
When they got home, the girls went to there rooms and slammed the doors. Can and Emre, sat on the couch and looked at each other, CAN::  "did you even notice those girls had thong bikinis on?"
EMRE:  "No, did you notice that they put there hand on our arms ?"
CAN:  "No! They thought we flirting with those girls.  That's why they did what they did. I was just being nice."
EMRE: me to, we really are clueless, I don't notice any other girls just Leyla. 
CAN: "me too, I only see Sanem.  Brother I feel bad". 
EMRE: "me too, what do we do now.  Let's try to go apologize"
The girls had there doors open enough so they can hear what the guys were saying. 
LEYLA : (texting sanem) "did you hear them?"
SANEM : "I did, they really had no clue."ok let them come In the bedroom and let them  try to apologize don't give in to easy. 
LEYLA : ok, let them beg alittle. They need to be aware of these women. 
SANEM "I agree, but who are we kidding, it well never change.  And they sent each other laughing emojis.
CAN: "Sanem can I come in, ( he opens the door and sees her sitting on the bed.) Sanem, I'm sorry, we were just talking, nothing more.  SANEM::   Can I can't believe that you didn't notice that she had her hand on your arm, and left it there are you serious?"what about her ass, she kept turning her back side towards your front and you didn't see her ugly ass."
CAN:  No I didn't notice, the only ass I want to see is yours.  Please Sanem don't be mad, I'm only back one day I don't want to you to be mad at me.
She looks at him and gives in. She knows he's being honest.
SANEM: ok, I'll forgive you this time. Don't let it happen again.
CAN:  I love you bebek!     SANEM: I love you too, I'm tired I'm going to bed. Can was hoping for some love making. But I guess I shouldn't press my luck.  Can had to settle for falling asleep in each others arms. That was good enough for him.

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