Chapter 31

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Hello Polen? How is it going with Can? Huma it's going very well!! We have been spending alot of time together, without Sanem.   I feel like Can and I are getting back together soon,  that's wonderful Polen, I knew it, he will come back, you'll see.  And Yigit, how about him and Sanem?  So far so good, she won't leave the agency, but they are spending time together for her book, and my brother really likes her. And she seems taken bye him too. Polen, that's wonderful!!! CAN belongs with you not her .  Soon I will be able to come and see him again.  We're going out for drinks, talk to you later. Huma is very happy, her plan is working! Bringing Yigit in was the best idea she's had! Good bye Sanem have a nice life!
AZIZ:  "Emre, where is Can?"    EMRE:  "he's said he was going out for drinks with Polen to see an old friend."
AZIZ: and Sanem?   EMRE:  I don't know baba, it's strange, he's been spending a lot time with Polen with that stupid cook book of hers.  Do you think that there together again?
AZIZ:  "no! I don't! But I think your brother is to nice to Polen, he feels bad that he hurt her. But in the meantime he's hurting the best thing that's happened to him, Sanem!  He better wake up!! She didn't come home today, she said she didn't feel well and she went to her sisters for the weekend. I think she's very upset with Can and she doesn't want to see him."
EMRE: I think your right baba, I'm waiting up for him, we need to talk!!
AZIZ: me to, I feel I'm getting ready to scold a child.!!
Can and Polen went to club to meet with there friend,
They waited for awhile, but he didn't show up.
CAN; "Polen, is Ozgur coming? We've been waiting for an hour were is he?"
POLEN:  "I don't know, he said he will be here. Let's wait alittle longer, maybe he will show up."
Can is getting irritated, I could be home with Sanem, why did I even agree to come out for drink. "Fine we will wait a little while longer. But then I'm leaving. "
Sanem was in tears, it hurts Leyla to see her sister like this.   "Sanem please don't cry, Can isn't that kind of man, he wouldn't cheat on you.  He's just too good. And he's a man! He probably thinks Polen really wants to be friends with him.
"Friends my Ass!! She trying to get  him in bed Leyla, I can see the way she looks at him."she thinks I'm the reason they broke up, so now she's going to get back at me and at the same time get Can back!"
"Sanem trust me Can is a good man, he won't do anything like that"
Back at the club another hour went by, "Polen, we've been here for almost two hours, I'm leaving.  I want to get back to Sanem!"ok Can,  can you take me home please? Meanwhile across the bar there was paparazzi, taking pictures of them, and the whole time Polen had her hands on Cans arm  and leaning up against him with her face close to his ear. Pretending it was to loud at the bar . ( did she set this up? Hnmmm)
On the way out, she trips and pretends to hurt her leg badly and she makes Can hold her while she's limping.
"Can , can you help me up to my apartment my leg really hurts," Can is getting really frustrated with her but he does help her up the stairs.  They get inside, and she pretends to loose her balance, and falls against Can? She looks in his eyes, grabs him and kisses him!
Can, is in shock, he pulls her off of him. Pushes her back and says. " what the hell are you doing!!!! Don't ever do that again!!"  "Can, come on. You know you want me, how long has it been, we need each other.  We were  always good sex partners, you were always hot for me. Please."   she grabs is shirt and pulls him to her and puts her hand  inside his shirt and starts rubbing his peck.  Can is furious , GET THE HEll AWAY FROM ME!!! Don't ever touch me again!! This was all a set up wasn't it.   Ozgur wasn't in town.  You did this on purpose.  And the book, was that even real?" "Finish your book with your brother, I'm done!! And by the way, the sex was never that good!!! I had much better than you, you were just there when I needed a release!!"  "Can don't say that."  "why Polen you knew that nothing would come of our relationship, I made myself clear from the beginning, and you agreed from the beginning!!  I'm done Polen stay out of my life!!"And he walks out!!!
EMRE: "dad I was just talking to Leyla, poor Sanem is crying her eyes out. What the hell is wrong with him,  I think he might of lost Sanem, I don't think she will trust him anymore.
AZIZ:  "I'm surprised with Can, I know he loves Sanem, I don't think he would cheat on her.  At least I hope not" "it's almost midnight were is he?"
Both of them hear the door open and close.  And they see Can walking in furious.
AZIZ:  "well , well, look what the wind blew in!! Were have you been?"
Emre and his father are looking at him they're both angry.  Can is thinking why is everybody looking at me like that today.  Nobody knows what happened tonight do they!
CAN; "dad please I had a very bad evening, I need to see Sanem, where is she?"
EMRE: "well brother Sanem isn't here, and I don't she's coming back!!"
CAN: what! Why?   EMRE:  well I don't know, how have you been acting around her with your damn ex all week?
CAN:"We were just working on her damn cook book!!"
AZIZ: and what about those lunches, just the two of you, and drinks after work". Can felt reall bad,
"You don't think she was hurt that you didn't even invite her, what we're thinking?"
CAN: Honestly dad, I wasn't thinking, (he finally told them what happened this evening) I thought her apology to Sanem and I was sincere.  I never thought she could be so devious.
EMRE:  well you have a lot of repair work to do with Sanem, she's hurt very hurt Can. She's with Leyla, she doesn't want to see you or talk to you."
CAN: "I have to go to her now" he gets up to Leave, and they both stop him.
AZIZ: Can, give her sometime, Sanem has been through a lot , she needs alittle time to herself with her sister.
Can is devastated, tears are forming in his eyes. "How am I going to get her to trust me again dad. How?"
AZIZ: Can, Sanem has a good heart, she will come around she loves, you. 
CAN: "I hope so dad, I can't be with out her.  She's my other half."he puts his head in his hands and starts crying.
Can went to lay down in bed, picked up his phone and tried calling Sanem, she declined the call. He tried texting her tried calling her again but nothing his last text was, "please Sanem, talk to me I love you!! Polen means nothing to me!! Please!!"
Sanem just looked at the messages and deleted them. About 2 in the morning Sanem received another message.  "Sanem, it won't be long.!!"im coming for you!!" Sanem just layed her head back and cried.

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