Chapter 46

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Ahan met Sanem by the rocks, she saw that she was crying.
AHAN:  "Sanem, what happened, why are crying?"
She told her everything from the beginning.  Ahan sat and listened to everything she said.
AHAN: "Sanem, do you really believe that Can would cheat on you, I don't see that happening. I've seen the way he looks at you. I don't think he would even look at anybody else" guys are just clueless. She probably tricked him somehow and took the picture.
SANEM: "maybe, he didn't even remember that it was our one year anniversary on Sunday."
AHAN: are you sure you're not, over emotional.
SANEM: "I don't know, I have been feeling emotional lately, tired.  We have been working a lot of hours, you know, and keeping up with the house.  Maybe you're right."
AHAN:  "relax I'm going to get us some tea, And bagels, I'll be back in a few minutes."
SANEM: ok, I am Kind of hungry."
Ahan went to get bagels.  And Sanem looked out in too the water and tried to relax.  It's going to be fine.  I know it will.   I'll sit here for alittle while longer and then go home.
Sanem heard a noise behind her, thinking it was Ahan, she turned around and she sees her stepfather and two other guys, she tried to run, but they grabbed her and punched her. She tried to break free but they hit her again, where are you taking me. You were promised to someone and he owes me a lot of money.  
SANEM: who is it I have money, I'll give you whatever you want, please let me go!! Who wants me. 
AHMET: you remember my friend Enzo Fabri? He used to come around when you were little.
Sanem was in shock, that's where she remembered Fabri from. 
SANEM: "she started screaming, So Ahan can hear her. Please Fabri doesn't want me. Please Ahmet let me go."
Ahan heard screaming, and started running back towards where Sanem was, and she saw her being taken away by Ahmet and 2 other guys. She saw them punch and kick her several times.
Ahan didn't get to her in time she was shaking, but she was yelling something, i know she wanted me to hear something. I have to call Can bey. She couldn't get ahold of him so Osman took her to the house.

Can returned home, to find Leyla and Emre, there.
EMRE: your back early, how was your climb? Interesting?
CAN: Emre, don't ask I left. That Achia is bad news."
LEYLA: you think, you shouldn't of gone at all, that picture devastated Sanem,
CAN: I swear, she must've set me up. I think her and Fabri want to cause problems between me and Sanem. I see the way he looks at her every time he comes in there's definitely something up with him..where is Sanem?
LEYLA: she said she needed to get away so she left, she didn't know where she was going, but that she would call when she gets there.
CAN: I can't believe this is happening I feel awful
Can sat down, put his head in his hands, tears started to come down his cheeks.
LEYLA: Can, I know you didn't want this to happen and I know this is your first real relationship, I know you love my sister but now that you have sanem , you can't just go off on adventures like you did.
CAN: your right Leyla, I was an idiot
LEYLA: yes you were and she smiled.  Don't worry Can, Sanem deep down inside knows the truth, she will forgive you.
The door bell rang, Emre opens it and it's Ahan and Osman.  Ahan told him what happened with Sanem, Can was going crazy.  Metin came with the police.
They were asking Ahan all these questions. She gave them a descriptions of the men, and  told them the one was her stepfather.
CAN: damn that Achia!! If I didn't go climbing this would have never happened. I bet you her and Fabri, set this up I see the way he looks at her!! That bastard.!!!
AHAN:  wait did you say Fabri?
CAN: yes.  Why?  AHAN; that's what she was screaming, she screamed Why does Fabri want me? What's he gonna do with me but she screamed it at the top of her lungs. I think she wanted me to hear.
METIN: Ahan that is a big help. That is a big lead.
They took Sanem back to an old abandoned bus station outside of Instanbul.  Sanem, was knocked out, she slowly started waking up, she tried to get up but she was in too much pain. Then Ahmet, walks in, "don't try to get up. The boss will be here soon."
Sanem was pretty badly hurt.  Her ribs hurt. And her mouth was bleeding.  Everything hurt.
SANEM: "haven't you beat me up enough throughout the years? What the hell is wrong with you?"
AHMET: shut up because of you I could've had my money faster you hid real well. And you had your body guard boyfriend with you all the time.
SANEM: Ahmet you're going to rot in hell!!
AHMET; I'm already in hell baby!! Now shut up.
Can called Volkan ( detective). And told him what happened.
VOlKAN:  can the heart necklace , it has a tracker!! I'm going on my phone now,
CAN: that's right, I'm checking now!
They went on their phones and they were tracking her somewhere outside of Istanbul . The police got a location. 
POLICE: can bey, you can come but we're going in not you, understand?
CAN; yes, please let's hurry.
Fabri showed up, and told his guys to go outside that he wants to be alone with her.
Sanem hears the door open, and she sees Fabri walk towards her.
FABRI: "my dear Sanem, it's so nice to finally have you here with me."
SANEM:  "Fabri, what do you want, from me. I never did anything to you."
FABRI: "well, my dear, I want two things from you,  first you'll be mine. I paid a lot of money for you,  your damn stepfather took forever to bring you to me and second I want your scent, we're going to make a lot of money from that scent , We could have a very good life together you and I."
SANEM: "your crazy, that will never happen, Can Will find me."
FABRI: "I don't think so Achia is taking good care of him on the mountain.  Sorry dear, Achia is having a good time with him."
Sanem started to cry. She looked up at him and spit on him. And he turned around and smacked her and she fell to the ground.
FABRI: don't ever do that again.!!"
The police surrounded the old bus station, they snuck up on the three men, grabbed them and arrested them
POLICE: who's in there with Sanem?  They wouldn't talk, then Can walked up to Ahmet, punched him in the face.  Tell the police who's inside with Sanem, because if you don't, I will tear your arms off I promise you.
AHMET; "did you see him he hit me? I want him arrested."
POLICE: "we didn't see anything now tell us who's in there with her now!!" Ahmet wouldn't talk. Here Can you can have him!" Can grabs him by the neck, ready to punch him again and he starts yelling.
AHMET: "no, no, just Enzo is in there with her, that's it I swear!!"
The police and Can run inside to find Sanem, Can hears her voice, says to police in hear, they slowly walk over to a door, inside Fabri, hears a noise, he turns around Sanem gets up to run, he grabbes her by the hair, pulls her into his chest and says don't even think about it's just my men.  But Sanem knew better, she always sensed Can when he was near.  She looks at Fabri and says I don't think so. She Hits her head with his hard and kicks him in his jewels. And just then the door opens up. The police run in grab Fabri, and see that he's bending over. They realize what she did and they smiled, Can sees Sanem runs to her and pics her up.
CAN: "bebek are you ok my love, I'm sorry."
SANEM: "can I felt you, I knew you were here."
They hugged each other, and he carried her outside. 
The medics put her on the stretcher,  to take her to the hospital to make sure she was okay. Can rode with her.
SANEM; you know Can, you trained me very well at the gym.  Ask Fabri he will tell you, when he recovers. They laughed, and he says I hope you never get mad at me Like that because I need my jewels so we can have our babies"He kisses her and he says I love you Sanem". "And I love you Can."

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