Chaper 5 sanems saviors

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Sanem is limping towards her favorite rocks, finally gets to her favorite spot, sits down in pain, from the beating she got. Crying thinking where do I go now. She feels so weak and helpless.

She falls asleep for a couple of hours, when she wakes up it's almost light out. Sanem is sitting there on the rocks thinking , well Sanem we're to now.  She started to feel hungry, she decides to take a taxi to the Divit house, for some reason she felt safe there. The taxi driver picks her up, looks at her and asks her if she's ok, "you look like you're in pain, do you want to go to the hospital?" With tears in her eyes she says, "no, no hospital, take me to this address",  I know I will be ok now".

As the taxi drops her off in front of the Divit house, she pays him. And walks wearily towards the back. Sanem is struggling between the pain in ribs , hunger and feeling light headed. She makes it to the back yard pushes herself in, and collapses by the lounger by the pool.

Alittle while later, Can and Aziz come out with there breakfast, ready to sit down they hear a moaning, they turn around and see some one laying face down on the ground.

Can: "baba do you see that". Can and Aziz run over, check to see if there alive, as can is gently turning her over, he sees who she is, "baba it's Sanem, we need to get her a hospital!!" Can is heart broken when he sees her. Sanem starts coming around and hears Can tell his father we need to take her to the hospital. She says
please, please, no hospital he will find me"

Can: ok Sanem , we will call the doctor to come here, ok, I promise he will not find you here, Tamam?" Poor Sanem looked into Cans eyes gave him a weak smile, and closed her eyes, she knew she would be safe.

Alittle while later the doctor came checked her and told them, she's pretty bruised up, but she will be ok. And she's probably very hungry she looks very pale and weak. I'll back in a couple of days to check up on her.

Sanem woke up with 3 Divit men looking at her, she got up shyly with a little struggle, but Can and Emry jumped to help her sit up. She smiled and giggled alittle saying, "boy I never got this much compassion or attention from anyone." They all laughed , they were happy just to see her smile and in better spirits.

Aziz: Sanem dear, are you hungry, join us for dinner please.
All she could do is smile as her eyes filled with tears. They helped up, sat down to eat and they tried to make her laugh which she did. She enjoyed their company and thought to herself. Where do I go from here?

Aziz: "Sanem the boys and I decided that you will stay with us, and you can't say no, the doctor will be back in several days to check on you."

Sanem: Aziz bay, thank but I can't impose on you, I am so thankful to the 3 of you, I don't know how I will repay you ".
Can: "
you can repay us by staying here". Emre agreed.
Sanem: your all to kind, I'm sorry I can't it will to much of a burden."
Aziz: "
OK, let's compromise, how about you stay here for a week until you feel better and then we will go from there"
Sanem: ok deal!!
As the week went by Sanem, was feeling better, any chance she got she would cook for them and try to clean what she could. Actually they loved her cooking which she did very well, cooking most of her life.
As the week was coming to an end, and the doctor told her she was doing fine, her brain was going in all different directions, what will I do where will I go. She started to panic and tears forming in her eyes.

Can noticed that Sanem was off, went and sat next to her and asked her what she was thinking. She turns to look at him, and says to herself, how am I going to leave hear, these people have been so kind to me treated like family. And Can my being so attentive. The other night I was having a nightmare he heard me scream, and held me all night, I never felt so safe and calm at the same time. How can I leave. I think I'm in love with him. Is that even possible, in such a short time?

Can just stared at Sanem, and thought to himself she's so beautiful, her eyes speak of so many things, I hope I can convince her to stay. She pulls at my heart. There's something about her that makes me want to be around her all the time.
Can: "Sanem don't think about leaving you have a place to live,no one wants you to leave we got used to you being around, plus your a great cook, (they both smile)please stay". Sanem just looked at him and nodded "ok, but I have to work around here to earn my keep ok? "
Can: "deal you can cook and they both laughed and hugged each other and just looked in each other's eyes.

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